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JMS, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2020


M. V. Kurlenya and V. E. Mirenkov

Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
e-mail: mirenkov@misd.ru

A new method is proposed for predicting rock pressure with regard to statics, kinematics and dynamics. The static approach calculates strain state using the known classical method based on the mining guidelines. The kinematic approach takes into account the weight of overlying strata and makes the kinematic approach more specific. Dynamics is traced as nonlinear deformation in the course of mining, and the dynamic approach needs additional in-situ information on the rock mass behavior. The three approaches provide the total displacement of roof rocks in a production heading. The authors discuss a quasi-static approach determining dynamics in terms of the pliability of rocks ahead of an advancing face and feasibility of obtaining experimental data for the new method implementation.

Production heading, stratum, rocks, control, solution, incorrectness, statics, kinematics, dynamics

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016429 

1. Carranza-Torres, C., Rysdahe, B., and Vasim, M., On the Elastic Analysis of a Circular Lined Tunnel Considering the Delayed Installation of the Support, J. Rock Mech. and Min. Sci., 2013, vol. 61, pp. 57–85.
2. Shaposhnik, Yu. N., Neverov, À. À., Neverov, S. À., and Nikol’sky, À. N., Assessment of Influence of Voids on Phase II Mining of Artemievsk Deposit, J. Min. Sci., 2017, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 524–532.
3. Badrul, Alam A. K. M., Masaki, Niioka Fujii, Daisuke, Fukuda, and Jun-ichi, Kodama, Effect of Confining Pressure on the Permeability of Three Rock Types under Compression, J. Rock Mech. and Min. Sci., 2014, vol. 65, pp. 49–61.
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5. Basarir, H., Oge, I.F., and Aydin, O., Prediction of the Stresses around Main and Tail Gates during Top Coal Caving by 3D Numerical Analysis, J. Min. Sci. Technol., 2015, vol. 25, pp. 88–97.
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8. Kurlenya, Ì.V. and Mirenkov, V.Å., Phenomenological Model of Rock Deformation around Mine Workings, J. Min. Sci., 2018, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 3–9.
9. Mirenkov, V.Å., Ill-Posed Problems of Geomechanics, J. Min. Sci., 2018, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 3–10.
10. Gritsko, G.I., Vlasenko, B.V., and Posokhov, G.Å., Prognozirovanie i raschet proyavlenii gornogo davleniya (Prediction and Calculation of Events due to Rock Pressure), Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1980.
11. Gol’dshtein, R.V. and Osipenko, N.Ì., Motion Mechanism Modeling in an Intermediate Layer between Contacting Bodies under Compressive Shift, Mekh. Tverd. Tela, 2016, no. 3, pp. 55–70.
12. Goryacheva, N.G. and Torskaya, E.V., Modeling the Effect of Coating Technology on Contact Interaction Characteristics, Ìekh. Tverd. Tela, 2016, no. 5, pp. 52–60.
13. Chen, T., Wang, X., and Mukerji, T., In-Situ Identification of High Vertical Stress Areas in an Underground Coal Mine Panel Using Seismic Refraction Tomography, J. Coal Geology, 2015, vol. 149, pp. 55–66.

V. M. Mirsalimov

Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Azerbaijan Technical University, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, AZ1073 Azerbaijan
e-mail: mir-vagif@mail.ru

The article considers the problem on compression of an isotropic medium with a variable-width slot with cohesive zones at the ends. Under the action of tectonic and gravitational forces in rock mass, contact zones appear between the slot surfaces. The author analyzes the case of a number of the contact zones between the slot surfaces. In a part of the contact zone, cohesion of the slot edges takes place, while sliding is possible in the other part. The unknown parameters of the partial closure of the slot are found by solving a system of singular integro-differential equations. The contact stresses, the cohesion forces, as well as the sizes of the contact areas, cohesion zones and pre-fracture end zones are determined.

Rock mass, variable width slot, pre-fracture end zones, tectonic and gravitational forces, cohesion forces, contact stresses

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016430 

1. Cornec, A., Yuan, H., and Lin, G., Cohesive Zone Model for Ductile Fracture, Proc. of the 15th Riso Inter. Symposium on Materials Science: Numerical Predictions of Deformation Processes and the Behavior of Real Materials, S. I. Andersen et al. (Eds.), Roskilde, Denmark, 1994, pp. 269–274.
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11. Mirsalimov, V.M. and Rustamov, B.E., Simulation of a Partial Closure of a Crack-Like Cavity with Cohesion between the Faces in and Isotropic Medium, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 2013, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 1021–1029.
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15. Mir-Salim-Zade, M.V., Partial Contact of Faces of a Variable Width Slit in a Stringer Plate, J. Physicochemical Mechanics of Materials, 2016, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. C. 29–34.
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S. P. Bakhaeva and D. V. Gur’ev

Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo, 650000 Russia
e-mail: baxaevas@mail.ru
e-mail: gurevdv@gmailcom

Based on the analysis, generalization and statistical processing of experimental data, the guideline values are determined for the physical and mechanical properties of loamy soil for construction of earthfill dams at liquid mining waste storages. A close parabolic relationship is found between the cohesion, internal friction angle and natural moisture content of soil. The authors present the method of real-time prediction of earthfill dam parameters with regard to spatial variability of soil strength.

Physical and mechanical properties, man-made loamy soil, earthfill dam stability

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016442 

1. Sivakumar, G.L. and Mukesh, M.D., Effect of Soil Variability on Reliability of Soil Slopes, J. Geotechnique, 2004, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 335–337.
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A. N. Kholodilov and A. P. Gospodarikov

Saint-Petersburg State University of Airspace Instrument Engineering, Saint-Petersburg, 190000 Russia
e-mail: kholodilov@mail.ru
Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, 199106 Russia
e-mail: Gospodarikov_AP@pers.spmi.ru

The theoretical model is proposed, which allows tracing continuation of seismic vibrations after cessation of blast load by the analysis of velocigrams recording on ground surface during underground explosions. The comparison of the model and experimental velocigrams of massive blasts shows validity of elliptical filters for second-order low frequencies in modeling waveforms of the velocigrams. The model efficiency in the detection of time-delay errors is proved. The conditions of predicting peak particle velocities based on explosive weight per blast are determined. The pre-conditions for the resonance excitation in the rock mass–guarded object system are discussed, and the blast-induced load is predicted.

Blasting, velocigram, seismic safety, blast-induced seismic vibrations, underground mine, installations above ground, seismic load prediction, elliptical filter

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016454 

1. Artemov, V.À., Vinogradov, Yu. I., Kholodilov, À. N., Gustov, S.V., and Shcherbakov, N.Ya., Seismic Safety of Massive Blasting at the Novo-Shirokinsky Mine, Vzryvnoe delo, 2011, no. 105/62, pp. 239–252.
2. Kholodilov, À.N. and Gospodarikov, A.P., Methodology of the Assessment of Seismic Safety of Explosions Executed in Underground Mines near Heapsteads, GIAB, 2016, no. 2, pp. 320–328.
3. Eremenko, À.À., Mashukov, I.V., and Eremenko, V.À., Geodynamic and Seismic Events under Rockburst-Hazardous Block Caving in Gornaya Shoria, J. Min. Sci., 2017, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 65–70.
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11. Ekvist, B.V., Increasing the Safety of Short-Delay Blasting, GIAB, 2017, no. 5, pp. 389–394.
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14. Yakubovich, V.A. and Starzhinsky, V.M., Lineinye differentsia’lnye uravneniya s periodicheskimi koeffitsientami i ikh prilozheniya (Linear Differential Equations with Periodic Coefficients and Applications), Moscow: Nauka, 1972.

B. R. Rakishev

Satpaev Kazakh National Research Technical University, Almaty, 050013 Republic of Kazakhstan
e-mail: b.rakishev@mail.ru

A physical model is created to describe stage-by-stage fracture of rock mass by deep-hole blasting. The analytical dependences are presented for main parameters of massive blasting. The zones of intense and passive crushing are identified in a blasted bench. The formulas are obtained to calculate volumes of different size particles in these zones. The automated determination procedure of particle size distribution is proposed. The program in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 environment allows the automated analysis of blasthole pattern in a bench and particle size distribution in broken rock mass depending on initial data.

Physical model of rock blasting, main blasting parameters, intense and passive crushing, rock volumes, automated analysis of granulometric composition, software

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016466 

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A. Nourian and H. Moomivand

Urmia University, Iran
e-mail: alireza.nourian71@gmail.com
e-mail: h.moomivand@urmia.ac.ir

Uniformity index n represents the range of fragment size distribution and it is applied to evaluate fragment size by Rosin and Rammler cumulative distribution function for a muck pile. The uniformity index n of fragment size distribution has been assessed by digital image analysis technique using Split-Desktop for several blasthole parameters and different zones of in-situ rock mass conditions in five mines having a wide range of blastabilty index (BI). Rosin and Rammler equation has been determined by a new procedure using a software entitled Pixler to delineate images the same as manual method for achieving a proper fragment size distribution by Split-Desktop. The obtained values of n had significant differences with estimated n by the former equations. Relations between n and several blasthole parameters, BI and mean fragment size X50 of the results and their various combinations have been analyzed. Finally, a new empirical model having a good correlation has been developed to predict n value for using 25 ms electric delay detonators.

Uniformity index, fragment size, Rosin and Rammler, blasthole parameters, blastability index

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016478 

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P. Manikandan and T. Maity

Department of Mining Machinery Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, India
e-mail: maninandh@gmail.com
Dragline Section, Western Coalfields Limited, Coal India Limited, India

Some of the coal mines use dragline for the overburden removal of coal top as its geometric, since the initial cost is high with low running cost. Most of the draglines operating in Indian mines have conventional analog control under Ward–Leonard method. To improve the efficiency of those, to reduce the power consumption and to provide maintenance-less operation in the electrical system, the microprocessor-based digital control system is proposed to replace the analog method of control. This paper analyzes and presents a case study of real time performance of one upgraded digitally controlled Ward–Leonard dragline, operating in an Indian mine-field. It shows the improvement in specific energy consumption and suggests maintenance issues based on the comparative study of breakdown status before and after the upgradation.

Dragline, modernization, analog control, microprocessor control, breakdown

DOI: 10.1134/S106273912001648X

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M. C. Özyurt and A. Karadogan

Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Department of Mining Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey
e-mail: meric.ozyurt@istanbul.edu.tr

The aim of this study is to investigate the applicability of artificial neural networks (ANN) and game theory in the development of an underground mining method selection model. To realize this, six different ANN models that can evaluate geometric and rock mass properties of an underground mine, environmental factors and ventilation conditions to determine mining methods that satisfy the safety conditions for an underground mine were developed. Among the mining methods determined by ANNs, the optimal mining method was determined by the ultimatum games, in which a compromise between safety and economic conditions was simulated. By using a combination of developed ANN models and ultimatum games, a new model based on artificial neural networks and game theory for the selection of underground mining method was developed. This model can make predictions in the presence of lack of information by following technological developments and new findings obtained in scientific/sectoral studies if learning is continuous. Moreover, the model can evaluate all selection criteria and provide literature-based solutions. In the light of findings obtained within this study, it is revealed that artificial neural networks and game theory can be used in the selection of underground mining methods.

Underground mining, method selection, artificial neural network, game theory

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016491 

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S. Vujić, M. Radosavljević, and S. Polavder

Belgrade Mining Institute, Belgrade, Serbia
e-mail: slobodan.vujic@ribeograd.ac.rs

In mid-May 2014, flooding caused by unprecedented rainfall wreaked havoc on Serbia. In the night between May 14 and 15, the swollen Kolubara River with its tributaries flooded the Tamnava West Field and Veliki Crljeni coal open-pit mines. The paper describes the course of flood events, the consequences of the outflow of about 214.4 million m3 of water into the depressions of the open-pit mines, and the damage resulting from this devastating accident that hit the Kolubara Mining Basin.

Global climate change, mine flooding, Kolubara Mining Basin, Tamnava West Field, Veliki Crljeni

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016503 

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A. D. Mwangi, Zh. Jianhua, M. M. Innocent, and H. Gang

School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430070, China
Mining, Materials and Petroleum Engineering Department, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi 62000–00200, Kenya
e-mail: huanggang2016@whut.edu.cn

Realization of good returns in the mining venture needs careful planning, scheduling, design and optimization of all mining activities which are dependent upon reliable resource estimates. The mineral resource estimation method employed in a deposit thus plays a major role in reduction of risks associated in mining. In this study, indicator kriging, ordinary kriging and inverse distance weighting methods are compared for Monywa K and L deposits. Correlation coefficients in the regression analysis of downhole composites compared with the ordinary kriging estimates for K and L deposits were 0.982 and 0.985 respectively, thus selecting it as the best estimator for the two deposits.

Indicator kriging, ordinary kriging, inverse distance weighting, resource estimation

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016515 

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V. A. Chanturia, G. P. Dvoichenkova, V. V. Morozov, O. E. Koval’chuk, Yu. A. Podkamennyi, and V. N. Yakovlev

Academician Melnikov Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 111020 Russia
e-mail: dvoigp@mail.ru
Mirny Polytechnical Institute, Division of the Ammosov Northeastern Federal University, Mirny, 678174 Russia
National University for Science and Technology—MISIS, Moscow, 117049 Russia
Research and Geology Service, ALROSA, Mirny, 678170 Russia
Yakutniproalmaz Institute, ALROSA, Mirny, 678174 Russia

The authors present an efficient modification method of X-ray fluorescence separation with mineral and organic luminophores used to adjust spectral and kinetic characteristics of anomalously luminescent diamonds. The mechanism of attachment of luminophores at diamonds and hydrophobic minerals is proved, including interaction between the organic component of emulsions and the hydrophobic surface of a treated object and the concentration of insoluble luminophore grains at the organic and water interface. Selective attachment of the luminophore-bearing organic phase of emulsion at the diamond surface is achieved owing to phosphatic dispersing agents. Tri-sodium phosphate and sodium hexametaphosphate added to emulsion reduce attachment of the luminophore-bearing organic phase at the surface of kimberlite minerals. It is shown that phosphate concentration of 1.0–1.5 g/l modifies and stabilizes spectral and kinematic parameters of kimberlite mineral on the level of initial values. This mode maintains the spectral and kinematic characteristics of anomalously luminescent diamonds at the wanted level to ensure extraction of diamonds to concentrate.

Diamond, minerals, kimberlite, emulsion, luminophore, extraction, luminescence, separation, spectral and kinematic characteristics

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016527 

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4. Chanturia, V.A., Dvoichenkova, G.P., Morozov, V.V., Koval’chuk, O.E., Podkamennyi, O.E., and Yakovlev, V.N., Experimental Justification of Luminophore Composition for Identification of Diamonds in X-Ray Luminescence Separation of Kimberlite Ore, J. Min. Sci., 2018, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 458–465.
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I. A. Konovalov and S. A. Kondrat’ev

Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
e-mail: kondr@misd.ru

The authors prove connection between the surface activity relative to gas–liquid interface and collecting ability in flotation for derivatives of xanthogenates (xanthogenates of heavy metals). It is shown that at nonstoichiometric ratio of xanthogenate and metallic salt concentrations, colloid particles are formed in solution. The influence of deviation from the nonstoichiometric ratio of xanthogenate and metallic salt concentration on the spreading velocity of the colloid system over water surface and on the collecting activity of the system is studied. It is found that the spreading velocity of derivatives of xanthogenates over water surface and their collecting activity depends on the duration of aging of the colloid system.

Flotation, metal xanthogenate, colloids, surface activity, collecting activity

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016539 

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B. I. Dyadin

Research and Geotechnology Center, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683002 Russia
e-mail: nigtc@nigtc.ru

The experimental results on operation of electrodynamic separator with pulsed traveling magnetic field in treatment of sand mixtures with metal particles –0.25 mm.

Electromagnetic induction, traveling magnetic field, mass flow, skin layer, high-gradient field, impulse voltage generator, polyimide tape

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016540 

1. Dyadin, V.I., Kozhevnikov, V.Yu., Kozyrev, À.V., Podkovyrov, V.G., and Sochugov, N.S., Impulse Electrodynamic Separation of Small Conducting Particles, J. Min. Sci., 2008, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 320–326.
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University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
e-mail: predrag.lazic@rgf.bg.ac.rs

Part of large-scale industrial test results of milling fineness influence on lead, copper and zinc minerals flotation results in the Rudnik flotation plant are shown in this paper. Based on industrial research it has been concluded that one-stage milling and two-stage classification of complex Pb–Zn–Cu ore leads to so-called “differential milling”. Namely, galena has much faster comminution than other minerals present in ore due to galena softness. This occurrence leads to galena converting into small particles size fractions which have low flotation rate and, at the same time, copper and zinc minerals stay “unliberated” in coarse particle size fractions (minerals are not free of mutual bonds). In this paper, recorded copper minerals flotation products results are shown, including lead underflow (copper flotation input), copper concentrate and copper underflow, in function of particle size; particle size distribution, minerals and metals distribution in function of particle size were determined; obtained research results confirmed “differential milling” assumption, as well as severe floatability difference between chalcopyrite of a different particle size.

Chalcopyrite floatability, differential milling, flotation, mine

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016552 

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R. V. Borisov, V. I. Bragin, N. F. Usmanova, and A. A. Plotnikova

Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia
e-mail: vic.bragin@gmail.com
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences—Detached Division of the Federal Research Center, Krasnoyarsk Science Center, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, 660036 Russia
e-mail: roma_boris@list.ru

The particle size distribution and the material constitution of samples taken from old milltailings of sulfide and oxidized ore are studied. It is shown that more than 50% of gold occurs in fine size grade of – 0.044 mm. The method of gas adsorption reveals large specific area in the samples, which is important for re-entrainment and migration of gold and associate components. It is found that gold correlates with iron-bearing species, which is useful for the magnetic separation of gold. The differential scanning calorimetry shows that the samples of the milltailings lack significant quantity of carbon black capable to adsorb gold. It is found that it is possible to generate insoluble residuum of iron cyanoferrates in the tailings, and microne size particles of mobile gold will self-settle on them.

Gold-bearing milltailings, material constitution, mobile gold, geochemical analysis, magnetic separation

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016564 

1. Chanturia, V.À., Kozlov, À.P., Matveeva, Ò.N., and Lavrinenko, À.À., Innovative Technologies and Extraction of Commercial Components from Unconventional and Difficult-to-Process Minerals and Mining-and-Processing Waste, J. Min. Sci., 2012, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 904–913.
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T. N. Aleksandrova, A. V. Afanasova, and A. V. Aleksandrova

Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, 199106 Russia
e-mail: alexandrovat10@gmail.com
Saint-Petersburg State University for Industrial Engineering and Design, Saint-Petersburg, 191186 Russia
Institute of Mining, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, 680000 Russia

The article presents studies into the microwave treatment effect on higher recovery of noble metals from rebellious carbonic ore. The rate of refractoriness of carbonic concentrates was determined using a package of thermal testing techniques. Bitumen is an additional criterion of the refractoriness rate of mineral dressing products. The influence of treatment time on heating of a sample is studied at different microwave capacities. The process of heating of dry concentrates in electrolytic solution is analyzed. The applicability of microwave treatment of flotation concentrates toward higher recovery of gold from rebellious carbonic ore is proved.

Rebellious ore, noble metals, microwave treatment, bitumen, kerogen

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016576 

1. Golikova, Ò.À., Proryvnye tekhnologii sovremennosti. Rol’ i mesto informatsionnykh tekhnologii v sovremennoi nauke (Innovative Technologies of Present Day. IT Role and Place in Modern Science), Samara, 2019.
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A. M. Klyushnikov

Research and Design Institute of Mineral Processing and Physical Treatment Uralmekhanobr, Yekaterinburg, 620144 Russia
e-mail: klyushnikov_am@umbr.ru

The author studied the process of copper removal from underspoil water at Blyavinskoe and Safyanovskoe copper ore deposits by cementation by iron. The influence of pH, consumption of cementation agent impurity ions Fe3+, Al3+ and Ca2+, as well as timing on the cementation performance was analyzed. The mechanism of the process was determined, and by-reactions resulting in over-consumption of cementation agent were revealed. The studies of the material constitution of cemented copper showed that the concentrate quality worsened because of the joint settling of basic aluminum and calcium sulfates. The obtained results make it possible to draw the conclusion on applicability of cementation for removal of copper from underspoil water.

Underspoil water, copper, cementation, iron, settling

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120016588 

1. Masloboev, V.À., Seleznev, S.G., Makarov, D.V., and Svetlov, A.V., Assessment of Eco-Hazard of Copper-Nickel Ore Mining and Processing Waste, J. Min. Sci., 2014, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 559–572.
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M. A. Semin, L. Yu. Levin, and A. V. Pugin

Mining Institute, Ural Branch, Perm, 614007 Russia
e-mail: seminma@inbox.ru

The authors have analyzed relative earth heat infiltration in artificial ground freezing in the context of formation of frozen wall in mine shafts. The artificial ground freezing modeling reveals a considerable dependence of the earth heat infiltration on the thermal properties of ground, process variables of refrigerating plant and time. The relative earth heat infiltration comes to a steady-state value 5–8 months after beginning of freezing. The formula is obtained for estimation of the steady-state value for the relative earth heat infiltration at different temperatures of ground and freezing brine.

Frozen wall, mine shaft, artificial freezing, Stefan problem, earth heat infiltration, surrounding rock heat infiltration, numerical modeling

DOI: 10.1134/S106273912001659X

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