JMS, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2018
V. N. Oparin, V. V. Adushkin, T. A. Kiryaeva, V. P. Potapov, A. A. Cherepov, V. G. Tyukhrin, and A. V. Glumov
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
Institute of Geosphere Dynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, 119334 Russia
Institute of Computational Technologies (Kemerovo Division), Siberian Branch,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Kemerovo 650025, Russia
Raspadskaya Coal Company,
Novokuznetsk, 654006 Russia
Alarda Mine, Malinovka,
Kemerovo Region, 652831 Russia
In the framework of the theory of interaction between nonlinear geomechanical and physicochemical processes in coal seams under mining and based on the piston mechanism of gas dynamic processes, it has experimentally been proved that nonlinear quasi-metric elastic pendulum waves from natural and induced earthquakes have influence on gas-dynamics in mines in Kuzbass. The objects selected to identify the interrelationship were the large earthquakes occurred in Kuzbass on November 9, 2016 (magnitudes 2.7 and 3.7) and the records of the quake-induced gas dynamic activity in the Alarda and Osinniki mines.
Pendulum waves, quasi-metric velocity range, earthquake, piston mechanism, gas dynamic activity, Kuzbass, Kaltan open pit mine, Alarda mine, Osinniki mine
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013269
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G. G. Kocharyan, S. R. Zolotukhin, E. V. Kalinin, L. L. Panas’yan, and V. G. Spungin
Institute of Geosphere Dynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, 119334 Russia
KMAruda, Belgorod Region, 309510 Russia
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, 119991 Russia
The actual lithostatic stresses are calculated with regard to physical characteristics and structural features of rock mass. The results are compared with the in-situ observations. It is shown that vertical stresses naturally grow with depth though their values are very different along horizontal cross sections due to the complex structure of rock mass. On the average, the vertical stresses are close in values to the lithostatic stresses. The horizontal stresses measured by the borehole slotter method are many times higher than their calculated values, which is governed by the nonunform properties of rocks or is reflective of tectonic compression.
Rock mass, fractured zone, underground mining, iron ore deposit, lithostatic stresses, analytical calculations, in-situ mea-surements
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013270
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Stress memory in consolidating composites in acoustic emission is studied experimentally to understand feasibility of its application in stress state control in rock mass. The tests show that, owing to uniformity and comparatively high responsiveness of acoustic emission behavior under straining, composite materials, when placed in a geomedium, allow highly accurate identification of tensor of actual stresses in it.
Rock mass, measurement and control, stress state, composite material, acoustic emission, stress memory effect
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013282
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V. E. Mirenkov
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
The classical method to calculate stress-strain state of rock mass disregards weight of rocks, i.e. this is a static approach. This article suggests accounting for the weight of rock mass during formation of a void in it, which is a kinematic approach. In case of similar underground openings differing only is size, the static calculation yields the same stresses below the limiting values, and, theoretically, failure is absent in both cases. The phenomenological theory presented in the article makes it possible to take into account weight of rocks in calculations of rock mass deformation around an underground mine working, and the kinematic supplement shows that, all other conditions being equal, the probability of failure grows with the size of the mine working.
Underground mine working, size, rock mass weight, stress, displacement, phenomenological theory, failure
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013294
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Yu. G. Feklistov and A. D. Golotvin
Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
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The results of experimental and analytical studies into the state of access roadways under selvedges of gently dipping sedimentary sheet-like bodies are presented. The stresses in rock mass under the selvedges of seams are determined. The state criterion was assumed the ratio of the maximal compressive stresses at boundary of a reference circular cross section roadway in an elastic medium and at the boundary of the roadway under the hydrostatic stress field. The results of the instrumental and visual observations in mines as well as the data of equivalent material modeling and analytical solutions agree.
Access roadway, selvedge, influencing seam, pillar, rock pressure, increased pressure zones
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013306
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Perm, 614002 Russia
Perm National Research Polytechnic University,
Perm, 614990 Russia
Perm State National Research University,
Perm, 614990 Russia
Berezniki, 618426 Russia
Alternative systems of support for junctions of mine shafts and roadways in salt rock mass include monolithic concrete lining, concrete lining with a yielding layer and supplementary reinforcement. It is shown that traditional non-yielding concrete lining needs periodical basic repair every 5–10 years during operating life. An increase in the thickness of such support is not a guarantee of repair-free operation. It is proved to be expedient to support junctions with mine shafts with reinforcement systems of rock bolts or frames with yielding elements. This conclusion is based on the data of instrumental monitoring of adjacent rock mass and on the results of ANSYS-based simulation of evolution of stress state and damaged rock zones in time.
Salt rocks, mine shaft junction, yielding support, mathematical simulation
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013318
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V. N. Tyupin and V. N. Anisimov
Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, 308015 Russia
Institute of Geosphere Dynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, 119334 Russia
In terms of the complex-structure ferruginous quartzite ore body mining in the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, the authors validate the requirement to account for anisotropy of rocks with a view to improving performance of preparatory and blasting operations, stabilizing grain size composition, reducing production of oversizes, saving energy input of milling, enhancing useful component extraction into concentrate and decreasing losses with regard to the sound subsoil management conditions. The effect of the first to third scale anisotropy on the quality of blasting fragmentation of ferruginous quartzite is analyzed. The theoretical formulas to calculate radius of controlled fragmentation zone as function of geological and geophysical characteristics of rock mass are presented, and the practical results of blasting at open pit mines in the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly area are described.
Mining, blasting direction, three-dimensional position, rock mass elements, fold pivot axis, core, wing, anticline, syncline, bedding, orientation, dip angle, controlled grain size composition, oversize yield
DOI: 10.1134/S106273911801333X
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V. V. Timonin, S. E. Alekseev, V. N. Karpov, and E. M. Chernienkov
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
Water well drilling-with-casing equipment is described in the article. Construction diagrams and field test results of series-production and new drilling-with-casing DTH hammers possessing higher impact energy are analyzed. The economic study of water well drilling cost in geological conditions of the Republic of Altai is performed.
Drilling, well, casing, air drill hammer, cost, penetration rate, drill bit, capacity
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013341
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B. F. Simonov, A. O. Kordubailo, V. Yu. Neiman, and A. E. Polishchuk
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
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Novosibirsk State Technical University,
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The experimental research of processes running in a linear pulse electromagnetic motor of a downhole vibration generator is described. Based on the research findings, design requirements and recommendations on basic geometrical proportions of the equipment are formulated.
Downhole vibration generator, percussive-action electromagnetic motor, blow energy and frequency, mechanical power
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013353
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The problem connected with the optimization of cutting width of a shearer loader based on the maximum capacity criterion with regard to physical properties and fractional composition of coal is formulated and solved. Aimed at calculating shearer loader feed and capacity as function of cutting width, it is proposed to use shearing stress and contortion of seams instead of cuttability of rocks. It is found that in order to improve coal sizing and reduce methane release in longwall face, as well as for the uniform distribution of loads on picks, the picks should be arranged on the drum at unequal spacing in accord with the exponential law.
Mine, shearer loader, drum, cutting width, optimization, capacity, feed, rotation speed, tangential picks, fractional composition
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013365
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G. G. Sakantsev, V. I. Cheskidov, I. V. Zyryanov, and A. N. Akishev
Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
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e-mail: yakovlev@igduran
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
Yakutniproalmaz Institute, ALROSA,
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 678174 Russia
It is found that the slope of access roads influences adds to flattening of nonmining pit walls where the access roads are driven. Aiming to determine the over-flattening of nonmining pit walls, the quick and accurate analytical method is devel-oped. It is proved that the increase of the slope of access roads to the maximum possible values (20–24%) enables reduction in stripping by 20–40% in deep open pit mines. The mining efficiency in case of steep slopes, aside from extra flattening of nonmining pit walls, is also influenced by the depth of transition to such slopes and the transportation capacity of the access roads depending on distribution of mining operations along the depth of an open pit mine. It is demonstrated that it is most reasonable to gradually increase the slope of access roads with the mining depth, starting from the initial value (8%) and up to the maximum governed by technical requirements and operating conditions.
Deep open pit mines, access road slope, extra pit wall flattening, transition processes, discounted cost
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013377
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I. V. Sokolov, A. A. Smirnov, Yu. G. Antipin, K. V. Baranovsky, I. V. Nikitin, and A. A. Rozhkov
Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Yekaterinburg, 620075 Russia
Application of a geotechnology used in high-grade quarts mining in Kyshtym Mine is studied. The room-and-pillar method is trialed, and the actual mining performance is assessed. The potential benefits of the geotechnology are evaluated. The air-decoupled charges without inert filler are designed and tested for fan pattern blasting. Size distribution of broken ore is estimated, and optimal parameters of blasting and powder factor are determined. The feasibility of quartz loss reduction by 3 times owing to extraction of useful mineral from pillars and due to decreased yield of overground quartz by 25–40% is proved.
Quartz deposit, geotechnology, compound system, loss and dilution, driling and blasting
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013389
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A. M. Svalov
Oil and Gas Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,
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The method of dynamic loading of sucker-rod pumps to act upon the producing well bottom zone is described. The effect is exerted through an underpump stem set on the well bottom. Under the weight of the flow string, the underpump stem loses pitch stability and is pressed to the inner surface of casing pipes. The operating sucker-rod pump induces axial vibration in the string, which generates lateral stresses transmitted to the adjacent rock mass along the spiral contact line between the underpump stem and the casing pipes. This dynamic impact on inactive or slightly active interlayers invokes fluid flow in them and results in enhanced production of wells. The field test data are presented to illustrate the described effect in wells in different geological conditions.
Dynamic impact, sucker-rod pump, stem, well production
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013401
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Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Kyushu University,
Fukuoka, 8190395 Japan
International Affairs Department, Japan Coal Energy Center (JCOAL),
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The main objective of mine ventilation network optimization studies is to develop a reasonable method for ventilation system control that minimizes the total cost of mine ventilation. The fundamental principles for ventilation network optimization are discussed, and a multi-objective optimization model is established from the viewpoint of total cost. Furthermore, an optimization algorithm based on the airflow asymptotic calculation is presented by the hierarchical analysis of objective functions and analysis of the structure characteristics of a ventilation network. In the proposed approach, the regulated branches are determined by the directed path matrix; the optimal solution is obtained by airflow asymptotic calculation using the existing software for ventilation network analysis, and it does not need to solve the large-scale nonlinear programming problem. The results of example analysis validated the reliability of this approach.
Ventilation network optimization, total cost, airflow asymptotic calculation, independent branch, regulated branch
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013413
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Aitao Zhou and Kai Wang
School of Resource and Safety Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing),
Beijing 100083, China
Coal mine ventilation is an extremely complicated system that can be disturbed by several factors. This report addresses the fact that the stabilization of airflow in the airways can be induced by gas ventilation pressure. The formation and characteristics of gas ventilation pressure are further elaborated and combined with the airflow stagnation accident that occurred in the Tangshan coal mine in China. Field tests, numerical simulations and experimental studies were conducted to verify the role of gas ventilation pressure on the stability of airway airflow. The results indicate that gas ventilation pressure is generated in inclined airways with gas accumulation, which can be regarded as an increment of natural ventilation pressure. Gas ventilation pressure can induce airflow stagnation or airflow reversals, especially in airways with relatively low airflow velocity. To maintain the stability of the airflow, mine ventilation structures must be strictly managed to ensure a higher airflow rate and velocity in those airways with gas emissions and avoid arranging airways with large dips.
Gas accumulation, gas ventilation pressure, airflow stability, underground ventilation
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013425
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T. N. Matveeva, V. A. Chanturia, A. O. Gapchich, and V. V. Getman
Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 111020 Russia
Using ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry and laser and electron microscopy, adsorption of cyanuric triamide agent (CTA) at the surface of silver-rich galena PbS-Ag and pyrite FeS2-Ag is recorded. The X-ray spectrum of the new reagent phase on silver particles contains O, C and N bands typical of CTA. New experimental data on kinetics of selective flocculation of ultrafine particles of silver-bearing sulphide minerals under treatment by CTA and thermomorphic polymers (TMP) are obtained. It is found that CTA and TMP introduced jointly in sulphide slime pulp accelerate settling of slime fractions, which promotes mineral aggregation and improves flotation performance. The prospects of using CTA and TMP as modifiers in flocculation of slime fractions of silver-bearing minerals are demonstrated.
Silver-bearing tin ore, flocculation, flotation, cyanuric triamide (CTA), thermomorphic polymer (TMP)
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013437
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M. A. Gurman and L. I. Shcherbak
Institute of Mining, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Khabarovsk, 680000 Russia
The material composition and process properties of hematite–braunite iron–manganese ore from Yuzhny Khingan deposit of Russian Far East are studied. The source of manganese in the ore is mostly braunite. The mineralogy and petrography of the ore and products of its processing are characterized. Noble metal minerals are found in the ore; the gold contains platinum and silver admixtures. Producibility of manganese concentrates of 37.85–46.46% Mn grade using the circuit of multi-stage magnetic separation in weak and strong magnetic fields and gravity concentration is experimentally proved.
Hematite–braunite ore, jaspilite, magnetic separation, gravity concentration, manganese concentrate, noble metal presence
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013449
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A. M. Klyushnikov
Uralmekhanobr—Research and Design Institution for Mineral Processing and Mechanical Conversion,
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The process of leaching oxidized nickel ore in sulphuric acid with the additives of sodium sulfite and fluoride is investigated. Tochilnogorsky deposit ore (Sverdlovsk Region) is used to prove theoretically and experimentally efficient application of fluoride in dissociation of nickel minerals (nontronite and garnierite) in oxidized nickel ore. It is shown that at NaF consumption of 10 kg/t, it is possible to enhance maximum extraction of nickel to solution from 82.3–86.9 to 96.0–98.7% at the residual sulphuric acid concentration of 10–20 g/l in the working bath. It is found that the sodium fluoride additives lower the process activation energy from 22.8 to 12.9 kJ/mole. This means that the reaction of sulphuric-acid leaching proceeds in diffusion–kinetic mode and that sodium fluoride is applicable as the leaching accelerator.
Oxidized nickel ore, nontronite, garnierite, sulphuric-acid leaching, sodium fluoride and sulfite
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013450
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A. P. Sorokin, I. F. Savchenko, L. P. Noskova, V. M. Kuz’minykh, A. A. Konyushok, V. S. Rimkevich, and V. V. Krapiventseva
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Kosygin Institute of Tectonics and Geophysics, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
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The current technologies available in the world market for the chemical processing of caustobioliths of carbonic series are overviewed. The prospects for the expansion of the coal supply base in the Far East of Russia are discussed, and the main lines of advancement in the coal preparation industry are specified. It is possible to arrange coal chemistry clusters in the Amur Region (thermal conversion of coal, production of Montana wax and oxidized humite), in the Khabarovsk Territory (in-situ gasification) and in the Primorye (motor fuel and liquid fuel production).
Caustobioliths of carbonic series, innovative technologies, coal briquettes, mountain wax, coal metal content, fertilizers
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013462
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The constructed economic-and-geological model of a commercial alunite deposit in the Amur Region (in terms of Burinda mineralization) includes two scenarios based on the criteria of alumina requirements in and development profitability. The production infrastructure involves open pit mining and processing based on reduction and alkaline treatment in a unified circuit with synnyrite. The calculations show that construction of a mining and processing plant at the deposit is profitable in both scenarios.
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The economic and ecological recommendations on integrated and efficient management are made for the Dashkesan Mine in the north-east of the Small Caucasus and for sulphide–complex ore deposits on the South Slope of the Big Caucasus with a view to applying modern methods and resource-saving technologies in extraction of basic metals and alloy elements, management of mining waste, dust and gases, reducing production cost and environmental protection.
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