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JMS, Vol. 52, No. 6, 2016


S. V. Serdyukov, M. V. Kurlenya, and A. V. Patutin

Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
e-mail: ss3032@yandex.ru

It is experimentally found that shut-in pressure conforms with the fracture initiation pressure if the fracture surfaces are uniformly loaded by fluid. The article shows that equaling minimal stress and shut-in pressure in local fractures results in overestimates. The error depends on the length of a hydrofracturing facility and is high under low compression in rocks (5–10 MPa). The authors put forward decisions aimed at improvement of accuracy and enhancement of information content of hydraulic fracturing in the in situ stress measurement.

Rock mass, stress state, borehole investigations, hydraulic fracturing, fracture, stress measurement, shut-in pressure, hydraulic fracturing facility, measurement error

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061563 

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V. I. Sheinin, D. I. Blokhin, I. B. Maksimovich, and E. P. Sarana

Gersevanov Research Institute of Bases and Underground Structures,
2-ya Institutskaya ul. 6, Moscow, 109428 Russia
e-mail: geo-mech@yandex.ru
National University of Science and Technology—MISIS,
Leningradskii pr. 4, Moscow, 119049 Russia
e-mail: dblokhin@yandex.ru

The authors discuss capabilities of taking information on mechanical processes in geomaterials under post-limiting elastic deformation based on variation in IR radiation intensity. Experimental results on recording of heat emission from specimens of rock salt exposed to cyclic loading by uniaxial compression are reported. It is concluded that thermomechanical effects are useful in recording of onset of failure activation in geomaterials under cyclic loading.

Geomaterials, rock salt, cyclic loading, axial stress, axial strain, infrared radiation, geomechanical monitoring

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061575 

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N. K. Korsakova, V. I. Pen’kovsky, L. K. Altunina and V. A. Kuvshinov

Lavrentiev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
pr. Akademika Lavrentieva 15, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia
e-mail: kors@hydro.nsc.ru
Institute of Chemistry of Oil, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Akademicheskii pr. 4, Tomsk, 634021 Russia
e-mail: alk@ipc.tsc.ru

The article describes physical simulation and mathematical modeling of influence exerted by injection of thermogel on configuration of water flow in water flood recovery. Recovery of oil, especially viscous oil, with such method features unstable displacement front and formation of water fingers that eventually turn into a net of water channels directed toward the lowest flow coefficient between wells. Most of oil remains immobile and is in dynamic equilibrium with the displacement water flow. The authors show that injection of thermogel in a reservoir between wells expands displacement front at the late stage of mining, which allows enhancement of oil recovery factor.

Enhanced oil recovery, viscous oil, capillary attraction shutting-off, gels, waterflooding

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061587 

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I. Yu. Rasskazov, G. I. Dolgikh, V. A. Petrov, V. A. Lugovoi, S. G. Dolgikhb, B. G. Saksina, and D. I. Tsoia

Institute of Mining, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
ul. Turgeneva 51, Khabarovsk, 680000 Russia
e-mail: adm@igd.khv.ru
Ilichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
ul. Baltiiskaya 43, Vladivostok, 690043 Russia
Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
per. Staromonetnyi 35, Moscow, 119017 Russia

The authors describe operation of a laser strainmeter within the integrated geodynamic monitoring system in Streltsov Ore Field. Capabilities and design features of the strainmeter are discussed. The article demonstrates feasibility of highly accurate measurements of deformation field parameters in an operating mine. Specificity of natural oscillations of the Earth is defined, and deformation of rock mass depending on energy of a destruction source is evaluated.

Induced seismicity, geomechanical monitoring, laser strainmeter, stress state, strain field

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061599 

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A. N. Kochanov and V. N. Odintsev

Institute of Integrated Mineral Development—IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Kryukovskii tupik 4, Moscow, 111020 Russia
e-mail: Odin-VN@yandex.ru

Considering features of wave prefracturing (microfailure) of rocks under blasting, the authors put forward a new investigation approach with the use of relations of dynamic elastic stress distribution in rocks and theory of cracks. The obtained relation to estimate prefracturing zone size in relatively solid rocks under confined explosion involves pressure of gases in explosion chamber, rock pressure, crack resistance of rocks, characteristic dimension of natural jointing (presence of defects) and deformation characteristics of rocks. It is shown that dimension of prefracturing zone in rocks depends both on natural and production factors and can differ by a few times.

Rock, confined explosion, elastic wave, tension, microcracks, wave prefracturing, detonation velocity

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061613 

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B. P. Sibiryakov and E. B. Sibiryakov

Trofimuk Institute of Oil and Gas Geology and Geophysics,
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e-mail: sibiryakovbp@ipgg.sbras.ru
Novosibirsk State University,
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e-mail: sibiryakoveb@ipgg.sbras.ru

A model of a continuum with a structure described by infinite order equations of motion is proposed. In case that a wave is very long as compared with the size of the structure, equations are reduced to the fourth-order equations. A closed equation of motion, including nonlinear, dispersed and wave members, is derived. It is shown that solutions in the form of soliton waves exist only in media where wave velocity grows with pressure. In the media, where soliton waves do not exist, quasi-stationary solutions with multiple frequencies prevail. It is found that the nonlinear effect of multiple frequencies is unexpectedly high even for small deformation as dispersion violently intensifies nonlinear events. Moreover, in the domain of small deformation, there exist solutions for longitudinal and transversal waves with the same length and different frequencies. The solutions for the same length waves with different frequencies most often occur in seismology and seismic explorations.

Continuity operator, microstructure, soliton waves, different frequencies of P- and S-waves

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061625 

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V. N. Oparin, V. V. Timonin, and V. N. Karpov

Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
e-mail: oparin@misd.ru

The factors that have significant influence on efficiency of rotary–percussion rock drilling with downhole machines are discussed. The results obtained in physical simulation of dynamic driving of rock-breaking indenters in rocks are reported. The results are analyzed from the standpoint of the phenomenon of alternating response of rocks to dynamic impacts.

Quantitative index of efficiency, rock destruction, downhole air drill hammer, drilling rig, rotary–percussion hole drilling, pendulum waves, dimensionless energy criterion, structure, stress state

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061637 

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A. L. Neverov, A. V. Minakov, V. A. Zhigarev, and D. D. Karataev

Siberian Federal University,
pr. Svobodnyi 79, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia
e-mail: neveroff_man@mail.ru
Institute of Thermophysics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
pr. Akademika Lavrentieva 1, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia
P. O. Box 889, Norilsk, 663330 Russia
e-mail: dd.karataev@norislkgeology.ru

The article presents a procedure to calculate fluid pressure losses in hole drilling with units equipped with replaceable core tubes and using non-Newtonian mud fluids. It is found that main hydraulic loss takes place when mud fluid flows in clearing between a drill string and drill hole walls. Numerical modeling has shown that it is possible to reduce hydraulic pressure loss by 76.5–89.0% by increasing drill string diameter by 2 mm. Based on the analytical research results, diamond drill bits and underreamers with the outer diameters of 78.0 and 78.4 mm, respectively, are manufactured for drilling operations in Talnakh ore field.

Mathematical model, non-Newtonian fluid, fluid pressure loss, nonstandard diamond drill bit

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061649 

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A. A. Repin, V. V. Timonin, S. E. Alekseev, D. I. Kokoulin, and A. I. Popelyukh

Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
e-mail: repin@misd.ru
Novosibirsk State Technical University,
pr. K. Marksa 20, Novosibirsk, 630092 Russia

The authors review key approaches to designing small-size air drill hammers. The approach to increasing impact capacity of air drill hammers by means of buildup of blow frequency is substantiated. The experimentally obtained and compared characteristics of air drill hammers equipped with the heads made of steel and titanium prove feasibility of increasing impact capacity by means of using low density materials. The technology of thermal treatment of a titanium-alloy hammer head is described, and its laboratory testing results are reported.

Drilling, air drill hammer, capacity, effective area, thermal treatment, titanium alloys, cementation

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061650 

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A. Nierobisz

Central Mining Institute, pl. Gwarkow 1, 40–166 Katowice, Poland
e-mail: anierobisz@gig.eu

This paper presents the methods and test results of the dynamic resistance of chock and rockbolt support used in Poland. By the dynamic resistance of the support is meant the ability to absorb and suppress the fast changing with time load with the value frequently exceeding the working support capacity of the supports. This feature is required when using the support in excavations endangered by rock mass tremors, especially such tremors, which can result in rockbursts. Based on the carried out studies and analyses, numerical values of loads are given that cause the slide of a friction prop, bending the support sections, loss of stability of dog heading support and load-carrying ability of bolts.

Mining industry, heading support, rockbolt support, rockburst, test results

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061662 

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V. L. Yakovlev, I. V. Zyryanov, A. N. Akishev, and G. G. Sakantsev

Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
ul. Mamina-Sibiryaka 58, Ekaterinburg, 620075 Russia
e-mail: yakovlev@igduran.ru
Yakutniproalmaz Institute, ALROSA,
ul. Lenina 39, Mirny, 678174 Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia

The analysis of methods to account for stripping time difference at the stage of determination of limits in deep open pit mining reveals advantages and shortcomings of the methods and provides a principled approach to determination of a discount ultimate strip ratio for the most representative geological and geotechnical conditions of diamond-bearing ore bodies in the form of single pipes. Discounting of marginal strip ratios is based on adding the common formula with an average mean discount coefficient represented by a correlation of mining rate decrease, stripping zone height and highwall slope angle. It is shown that target variation of the factors included in the discount marginal strip ratio allows considerable influence on depth and efficiency of open pit mining.

Open pit mine limits, marginal strip ratio, discountiing coefficient, stripping zone height, stripping rate decrease, highwall slope

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061674 

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V. I. Golik

Geophysical Institute, Vladikavkaz Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences,
ul. Markova 93a, Vladikavkaz, 362002 Russia
e-mail: v.i.golik@mail.ru

The author characterizes ore production loss depending on time, properties and production technology. Typification of technologies aimed at improvement of ore-drawing quality using canopies is performed. Operating principle of canopies is theoretically generalized, and recommendations on using canopies are made. It is proved that separation of abandoned ore from overlying rocks under canopies during ore-drawing improves mineral production quality.

Subsoil, abandoned ore, rocks, technology, canopy, theoretical generAlization, operating pricniple, application conditions, mineral quality

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061686 

1. Golik,V.I. and Komashchenko, V.I., Prirodookhrannye tekhnologii upravleniya sostoyaniem massiva na geomekhanicheskoi osnove (Environmental Technologies of Rock Mass Control in the Framework of Geomechanics), Moscow: KDU, 2010.
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I. V. Sokolov, A. A. Smirnov, Yu. G. Antipin, K. V. Baranovsky, and A. A. Rozhkov

Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
ul. Mamina-Sibiryaka 58, Ekaterinburg, 620219 Russia
e-mail: geotech@igduran.ru

The article describes the applied research findings on selecting a resource-saving technology to ensure drastic reduction in loss of high-grade Kyshtym quartz. The economical–mathematical modeling yields relationships between mine efficiency, ground conditions, mine design and technology factors, and the optimal variant of a combination mining technology is determined using the maximum profit criterion. Full-scale physical simulation of closed-spaced charge blasting effect on reduction in overgrinding of quartz is discussed. Drilling and blasting pattern for experimental breaking of quartz by explosions is determined.

Quartz deposit, underground technology, combination mining method, loss and dilution, drilling and blasting

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061698 

1. Sokolov, I.V., Kornilkov, S.V., Sashurin, A.D., Kuz’min, V.G., and Shemyakin, V.S., Formation of Science and Technology Backup for Introduction of Integrated Technology of Highly Valuable Quartz Mining and Processing, Gorny Zh., 2014, no. 12.
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M. V. Ryazantseva, I. Zh. Bunin, and E. V. Koporulina

Institute of Integrated Mineral Development—IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Kryukovskii tupik 4, Moscow, 111020 Russia
e-mail: ryazanceva@mail.ru

Using Hammett indicators, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy, the authors analyze influence of high-voltage nanosecond impulses on structure and chemistry of surface and on process properties of calcium-bearing minerals. As a result of impulse energy inputs for t ≤ 30 s, the change in the structure and functions of mineral surface includes: enhancement of electron–donor capacity and formation of structural defects on the surface of fluorite, and enhancement of acceptor capacity of the surface of calcite and scheelite. Pre-treatment of mono-mineral samples by electrical impulses increases flotation ability of calcium-bearing minerals: increment in froth recovery makes 10–12% for scheelite, 5–6% for fluorite and 7–8% for calcite. Calcite, fluorite, scheelite, high-voltage nanosecond impulses, Hammett acid-base indicators, X-ray fluorescence, microscopy, mono-mineral fraction

DOI: 10.1134/S106273911606170X

1. Chanturia, V.A., Bunin, I.Zh., and Khabarova, I.A., Influence of Nanosecond Electromagnetic Pulses on Phase Surface Composition , Electrochemical, Sorption, and Flotation Properties of Chalcopyrite and Sphalerite, J. Min. Sci., 2012, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 732–740.
2. Chanturia, V.A., Bunin, I.Zh., Ryazantseva, M.V., and Khabarova, I.A., X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy-Based Analysis of Change in the Composition and Chemical State of Atoms of Chalcopyrite and Sphalerite Surface before and after the Nanosecond Electromagnetic Pulse Treatment, J. Min. Sci., 2013, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 489–498.
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L. N. Krylova and V. A. Ignatkina

National University of Science and Technology—MISIS,
Leninskii pr. 4, Moscow, 119049 Russia
e-mail: krylov@yandex.ru

New information is obtained on composition and properties of a bio-reagent–oxidizer generated by mesophilic aerobic chemo-tropholytic bacteria Acidithiobaccilus ferrooxidans under oxidation of iron (II) ions in sulfuric acid solution. The composition and properties of the bio-reagent are compared with iron (III) sulfate used to intensify agitation and heap leaching of metals from sulfide ores and concentrates. The research with IR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, Moessbauer spectrometry and potentiometry has revealed distinctive features of the bio-reagent and explained the experimentally observed increase in its oxidative activity when interacting with minerals.

Bio-reagent, iron-oxidizing bacteria, iron sulfate, molecular composition, iron-crystal structure, phase composition, functional groups, centrifugal separation, oxidative activity, sedimentation

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061711 

1. Pol’kin, S.I., Adamov, E.V., and Panin, V.V., Tekhnologiya bakterial’nogo vyshchelachivaniya tsvetnykh i redkikh metallov (Process for Bacterial Leaching of Nonferrous and Rare Metals), Moscow: Nedra, 1982.
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S. A. Kondrat’ev, V. I. Rostovtsev, and I. I. Baksheeva

Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
e-mail: kondr@misd.nsc.ru

The article presents data of experimental studies into magnetic properties of iron-bearing sulfide and nonsulfide minerals under radiation and heating. It is found that bulk magnetic susceptibility has increased more than 100 times in pyrite and 6 times in bauxite ore. Usefulness of radiation-and-heating magnetization in modification and processing of bauxite and tin-bearing minerals is demonstrated.

Mineral raw material, bauxite, tin products, accelerated electron treatment, dry magnetic separation

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061723 

1. Chanturia, V.A., Advanced Processes for Complex and Comprehensive Processing of Natural and Technogenic Mineral Materials, Plaksin’s Lectures?2014 Conf., Almaty, 2014, pp. 5–6.
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3. Potapov, S.A., Chanturia, V.A., Polyakov, V.A., and Rostovtsev, V.I., Influence of Beam of Fast Electrons on Properties of Ferruginous Quartzites of the Mikhailov Deposit, J. Min. Sci., 1989, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 288–291.
4. Wang H. and Lu S., Modifying Effect of Electron Beam Irradiation on Magnetic Property of Iron-Bearing Minerals, J. Physiochem. Probl. Miner. Proc., 2014, no. 50(1), pp. 79–86.
5. Kondrat’ev, S.A., Rostovtsev, V.I., Bochkarev, G.R., Pushkareva, G.I., and Kovalenko, K.A., Justification and Development of Innovative Technologies for Integrated Processing of Complex Ore and Mine Wastes, J. Min. Sci., 2014, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 959–973.
6. Korobeinikov M. V., Bryazgin A. A., Bezuglov V. V., et al. Radiation?Thermal Treatment in Ore Dressing, IOP Conf. Series: Mat. Sci. Eng., 2015, vol. 81, no. 012124, pp. 1–6.
7. Rostovtsev, V.I., Radiation?Thermal Process to Modify Magnetic Properties of Minerals in Mineral Processing; Mineral Resource Development. Mining. Trends and Processes for Exploration and Development of Mineral Deposits. Geoecology, Proc. 11th Int. Sci. Conf. InterExpo GeoSibir?2015, vol. 3, Novosibirsk: Sib. Gos. Univer. Geosistem Tekhn., 2015, pp. 206–210.
8. Bochkarev, G.R., Rostovtsev, V.I., Vobly, P.D., Zubkov, N.I., Kudryavtsev, A.M., Utkin, A.V., and Khavin, N.G., High-Gradient Magnetic Separator for Dressing of Weak?Magnetic Ores, J. Min. Sci., 2004, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 199–204.
9. Wang, H, Bochkarev, G.R., Rostovtsev, V.I., and Veigel’t, I.Yu., Improvement of Magnetic Properties of Iron-Bearing Minerals During Radiation?Thermal Treatment, J. Min. Sci., 2004, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 299–408.
10. Kotova, O.B., Razmyslov, I.N., Rostovtsev, V.I., and Silaev, V.I., Radiative?Thermal Modification of Ferruginous Bauxites in the Course of their Processing, Obogashch. Rud, 2016, no. 4, pp. 16–22.

G. P. Andronov, I. B. Zakharova, N. M. Filimonova, V. V. L’vov, and T. N. Aleksandrova

Mining Institute, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences,
ul. Fersmana 24, Apatity, 184209 Russia
e-mail: andronov@goi.Kolasc.net.ru
Saint-Petersburg Mining University,
V.O. 21-liniya 2, Saint-Petersburg, 199106 Russia

The article presents data on separation of minerals of eudialyte ore with low magnetic susceptibility using a high-intensity wet magnetic separator and pulp pulsation. The optimal separator variables of the magnetic field inductance, pulp pulsation and matrix filler diameter to ensure maximum efficiency of processing are determined.

Magnetic separation, magnetic inductance, pulp pulsation frequency, matrix rod diameter, eudialyte concentrate, nepheline–feldspar product, aegirine product

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061735 

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11. Zakharova, I.B., Rukhlenko, E.D., Andronov, G.P., and Vitsina, Ya.V., Mineralogical and Processing Specifications of Eudialyte?Lujavrite Ore, Proc. 9th CIS Mineral Processing Congress, vol. I, Moscow: MISiS, 2013, pp. 255–258.
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I. V. Bychkov, D. Ya. Vladimirov, V. N. Oparin, V. P. Potapov, and Yu. I. Shokin

Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory,
Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
ul. Lermontova 134, Irkutsk, 664033 Russia
e-mail: idstu@icc.ru
VIST Group,
Dokuchaev per. 3, Bld. 1, Moscow, 107078 Russia
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
e-mail: oparin@misd.ncs.ru
Kemerovo Division, Institute of Computational Technologies,
Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
ul. Rukavishnikova 21, Kemerovo, 650025 Russia
e-mail: ict@ict.nsc.ru
Institute of Computational Technologies, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
pr. Akademika Lavrentieva 6, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia
e-mail: ict@ict.nsc.ru

The discussed challenge and its prospects in mining geoinformation science are connected with Big Data concept—flows of large sets of various data on mining. The authors describe Big Data technology and its general implementation on mini-clusters using Hadoop and MapReduce with case studies presented.

Big Data, intelligent analysis, computational and mini-clusters, raw data sets, geomechanical and geodynamic data flow computing, cloud computing, distributed computing, safe subsoil management

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061747 

1. Oparin, V.N., Rusin, E.P., Tapsiev, A.P., Freidin, A.M., and Badtiev, B.P., Mirovoi opyt avtomatizatsii gornykh rabot na podzemnykh rudnikakh (International Experience in Underground Mine Automation), N. N. Mel’nikov (Ed.), Novosibirsk: SO RAN, 2007.
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3. Adushkin, V.V. and Oparin, V.N., From the Alternating-Sign Explosion Response of Rocks to the Pendulum Waves in Stressed Geomedia, J. Min. Sci., Part I: 2012, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 203?222; Part II: 1013, vol.49, no. 2, pp. 175?209; Part III: 2014, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 623?645; Part IV: 2016, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 1?35.
4. Bychkov, I.V., Oparin, V.N., and Potapov, V.P., Cloud Technologies in Mining Geoinformation Science, J. Min. Sci., 2014, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 142–154.
5. Potapov, V.P., Matematicheskoe i informatsionnoe modelirovanie geosistem ugol’nykh predpriyatii (Mathematical and Informational Simulation of Coal Mine Geosystems), Novosibirsk: SO RAN, 1999.
6. Oparin, V.N., Potapov, V.P., Yushkin, V.F., and Kiril’tseva, N.A., An Approach to Development of an Information Geomechanical Structural Model of the Kuznetsk Coal Basin, J. Min. Sci., 2006, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 224–244.
7. Oparin, V.N., Potapov, V.P., Popov, S.E., Zamaraev, R.Yu., and Kharlampenkov, I.E., Development of Distributed GIS Capacities to Monitor Migration of Seismic Events, J. Min. Sci., 2010, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 666–671.
8. Potapov, V.P., Oparin, V.N., Logov, A.B., Zamaraev, R.Yu., and Popov, S.E., Regional Geomechanical?Geodynamic Control Geoinformation System with Entropy Analysis of Seismic Events in Terms of Kuzbass, J. Min. Sci., 2013, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 482–488.
9. Logov, A.B., Oparin, V.N., Potapov, V.P., Schastlivtsev, E.L., and Yukina, N.I., Entropy Analysis of Process Wastewater Composition in Mineral Mining Region, J. Min. Sci., 2015, vol. 51, no.1, pp. 186–196.
10. Oparin, V.N., Potapov, V.P., Giniyatullina, O.L., and Kharlampenkov, I.E., Fractal Analysis of Geodynamic Event Migration Paths in the Kuzbass Area, J. Min. Sci., 2012, vol.48, no. 3, pp. 474–479.
11. Potapov, V.P., Oparin, V.N., Giniyatullina, O.L., and Kharlampenkov, I.E., Services for Cloud Computing and Seismic Data Processing for Geomechanically and Geodynamically Active Coal Mining Areas in Kuzbass, J. Min. Sci., 2015, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 609–613.
12. Potapov, V.P., Oparin, V.N., Giniyatullina, O.L., and Kharlampenkov, I.E., Cloud Computing in Seismic Data Processing Based on Voronoi Diagrams Using GOOGLE APP ENGINE, J. Min. Sci., 2015, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 1041–1048.
13. Oparin, V.N., Potapov, V.P., Giniyatullina, O.L., and Schastlivtsev, E.L., Studies into the Process of Mine Waste Dump Filling up by Vegetations Using Remote Sensing Data, J. Min. Sci., 2013, vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 976–982.
14. Oparin, V.N., Potapov, V.P., Giniyatullina, O.L., and Andreeva, N.V., Water Body Pollution Monitoring in Vigorous Coal Extraction Areas Using Remote Sensing Data, J. Min. Sci., 2012, vol. 48, no. 5, 934–940.
15. Oparin, V.N., Potapov, V.P., and Giniyatullina, O.L., Integrated Assessment of the Environmental Condition of the High-Loaded Industrial Areas by the Remote Sensing Data, J. Min. Sci., 2014, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 1079–1087.
16. Oparin, V.N., Potapov, V.P., Giniyatullina, O.L., Andreeva, N.B., Schastlivtsev, E.L., and Bykov, A.A., Evaluation of Dust Pollution of Air in Kuzbass Coal Mining Areas in Winter by Data of Remote Earth Sensing, J. Min. Sci., 2014, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 549–558.
17. Potapov, V.P., Oparin, V.N., Schastlivtsev, E.L., Giniyatullina, O.L., Kharlampenkov, I.E., and Sidorenko, P.V., An Approach to Multi-Layer Geoinformation System for Environmental Appraisal of Mining Regions Based on Biological Diversity, J. Min. Sci., 2016, vol. 52, no.4, pp. 818–825.
18. Oparin, V.N., Potapov, V.P., Logov, A.B., Schastlivtsev, E.L., and Yukina, N.I., Identification of Pollutant Clusters in Trade Effluents in Kuzbass, J. Min. Sci., 2016, no. 5, pp. 1011–1019.
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S. V. Serdyukov, N. V. Degtyareva, A. V. Patutin, and T. V. Shilova

Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
e-mail: ss3032@yandex.ru

The presented system is intended for multistage hydraulic fracturing in long open holes of any orientation to create transversal fractures with a radius to 5 m in soft and medium-hard rocks. The downhole system has an inbuilt transport unit. This fracking equipment uses chemically active fluids generated in the fractured interval by mixture of two components injected in individual high-pressure hoses.

Multistage hydraulic fracturing, open hole, downhole equipment, inbuilt transport unit, anchor system of transversal fracturing, two-component breakdown fluid

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061759 

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A. S. Tanaino, B. B. Sivolap, E. A. Maksimovsky, and O. A. Persidskaya

Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
e-mail: tanaino@misd.ru

Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
pr. Akademika Lavrentieva 3, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia

The method is based on transcapillary penetration of fluorescent fluid (EpoDye colorant) in the finest cavities and flaws on the surface of polished sections. Luminophor-filed voids become visible under UV light and optical microscope. The voids are estimated with respect to their kinds, sizes and area. The estimates and the statistical property of void distribution are described.

Coal, planar porosity, fluorescence, microscopic and structural analysis, laboratory experiment

DOI: 10.1134/S1062739116061760 

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