JMS, Vol. 51, No. 4, 2015
V. N. Oparin, T. A. Kiryaeva, O. M. Usol’tseva, P. A. Tsoi,
and V. N. Semenov
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Krasnyi pr. 4, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
Novosibirsk State University,
ul. Pirigova 2, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia
Aiming to build up a phenomenological basis for the theory of interaction between geomechanical, thermal and physicochemical processes in methane-bearing coal in Kuzbass, the authors performed a set of laboratory bench tests on uniaxial stiff loading of various rank coal specimens. The pressure versus temperature dependences are obtained for coal specimens with granite gaskets using high-precision scanning computerized thermal imager. It is shown that temperature changed in coal specimens subjected to loading to failure is connected with volatile content and internal energy relaxation of methane in Kuzbass coal. Using jointly thermal imaging and laser measuring equipment ALMEC-tv for high-precision and detail control of deformation–wave processes in loaded coal specimens by speckle-method, it has for the first time been proved that nonlinear pendulum-type movements of structural elements are possible in coal specimens with varied temperature field, which is of fundamental importance for actualization of previously ignored mass and gas exchange processes in high-stress coal beds of different grade composition under mining,
Connections, temperature field, deformation–wave processes, ranks, specimens, Kuzbass coal deposits, stress–strains state, volatile yield, limit internal energy
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The full-scale measurements of initial stresses and numerical modeling of stresses in rock mass enclosing deep open pit mine Zhelezny under planning at Kovdor Mining-and-Processing Integrated Work are presented in the article. The authors have located hazardous areas in pit wall rock mass and validated stability conditions for pit walls with steeply sloped benches.
Geomechanics, stress state, pit wall stability, mathematical modeling, open pit mineral mining method
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L. A. Nazarova, L. A. Nazarov, A. L. Karchevsky, and M. Vandamme
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In the framework of the developed and implemented nonlinear geomechanical model of a coal bed having block structure, describing gas inflow, the authors propose the method for quantitative estimate of gas content as well as diffusion and mass exchange coefficients based on solution of inverse problems using pressure measurements taken in shut-in borehole in the “pressure drop” mode. Besides the main function, the set problem had an auxiliary objective function with the less number of arguments. Numerical experiments with synthetic input data yield that the auxiliary objective function has a number of local minimums. The authors also put forward a technique of finding global minimum that provides the set problem solution.
Coal and rock mass, degassing, gas content, diffusion coefficient, inverse problem
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V. M. Seryakov
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
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The issues of calculation of stresses and strains in the elements of support and in rock mass in stagewise drivage of a production face are under discussion. In order to take into account the sequence of mining and support installation, it is required to solve problems on extra stresses due to small cross-section drivage. Geomechanical estimation of support and rocks used the method based on single formation of stiffness matrix to describe rock mass prior to mining start. Sequential drivage of excavations and change of mechanical properties in the calculation system are modeled using initial stress procedure. The author calculates two scenarios of mining with stagewise face drivage under conditions of elastic deformation of rocks and support and analyzes behavior of stress redistribution in elements of support being installed in stages. It is shown that mining sequence considerably influences stresses in the support elements upon the drivage completion. The scenario of mining with initial installation of sideways support elements results in increased tensile stresses in the support as against the scenario when the underroof space is first mined out and supported.
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Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum-Gas Geology and Geophysics,
Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
pr. Akademika Koptyuga 3, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia
The article describes modeling procedure and calculation of wave fields in microseismicity monitoring in anisotropic medium. The research findings are intended for testing of processing algorithms for data of seismic observations in underground mining.
Microseismic monitoring, geodynamic processes, mathematical modeling, numerical methods, anisotropic medium, seismic moment trend
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The authors analyze mine logs of seismic events in Poland, Finland, Canada, Russia and South Africa. For the analyzed events, induced seismic energy varies by 2–3 orders of magnitude at the same value of seismic moment. The upper and lower limits of the range correspond to “stiff” and “soft” sources, respectively. The most probable cause of the wide spread of the reduced energy values seems to be fluctuating properties of discontinuities due to the change in the composition of filler and water content of joints.
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The authors propose the method to estimate deformation properties of rocks by the data on pressuremeter test in hydrofractured interval, allowing in situ values of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of rocks. It is shown that combination of pressuremeter tests and hydraulic fracturing expands the scope of deformation measurements and improves efficiency of stress assessment in rocks using hydrofracturing method.
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S. V. Usanov, V. I. Ruchkin, and O. D. Zheltysheva
Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
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In focus are special cases of distortion of buildings when heavy structural deformations were visually observed though instrumental monitoring showed low strain values. The experimental laser scanning of such deformations exhibited complex deformation patterns in horizontal planes of buildings. Aimed at determining causes of the nonlinear deformation of buildings and structures and preventing relevant accidents, the integrated monitoring technology is offered based on taking into account stress–strain state and block structure of rock mass under the buildings.
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The article focuses on ecologically balanced and complete extraction of coal reserves, with minimized impact exerted on human environment by gas emissions. It is found that geometrical design of extraction panels should be based on modeling of oxygen distribution in mined-out stopes and then calibration of the model using in situ test data.
Ecologically balanced cycle, deposit, complete extraction, mine, coal seam, extraction panel, dimension, mined-out stope, monitoring system, oxygen, methane
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The current technologies of mineral mining, processing and beneficiation require introduction of closed water circulation. A common ecological and technological objective is in this case reduction of concentration of copper and commercial-grade fat acid ions that worsen flotation. A promising way of reaching the set objective is preliminary mixing of different waste water flows with maximum concentrations of the specified ions. The thermodynamic calculations justify optimized water treatment modes when engineering-and-economic performance of copper–molybdenum ore dressing remains unaltered, consumption of fresh natural water is lowered, and water supply is enhanced.
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T. A. Ivanova, T. N. Matveeva, V. A. Chanturia, and E. N. Ivanova
Institute of Integrated Mineral Development—IPKON,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Kryukovskii tupik 4, Moscow, 111020 Russia
Using the proprietary method, the authors have obtained flotation agent BO—extract of atomized leaves and stalks of Heracleum sosnowskyi (hogweed), and analyzed its composition. Qualitative tests, thin-layer chromatography (TLC), ultraviolet spectrophotometry and flotation tests show that aqueous and organic extracts contain substances that differ in chemical and process properties. The article gives test results for aqueous, alcoholic and aqueous–alcoholic extracts BO used as modifiers in chalcopyrite and pyrite flotation. Selective properties of aqueous and aqueous–alcoholic extracts BO are characterized. The highest depression ability relative to pyrite is a characteristic of aqueous BO extract obtained at pH = 3, with heating and treatment in ultrasonic bath. Organic extracts contain mostly furocoumarins, aspic oils and resins, and have no material effect on flotation activity of pyrite.
Sulfide selection, flotation, gold-bearing chalcopyrite and pyrite sulfides, recovery, vegetable modifiers, extraction, heracleum
DOI: 10.1134/S1062739115040190 REFERENCES
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The article reports tests on studying mechanism of interaction between modified chlorine solutions and gold-bearing sulfides. The change in texture, structural properties and elemental composition of sulfides after electrochemical treatment is analyzed. The authors indicate basic negative factors reducing dissolution velocity of sulfides.
Rebellious gold ore, arsenopyrite, pyrite, chlorine, hypochlorite, electrochemical treatment
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S. A. Kondrat’ev, N. P. Moshkin, and I. A. Konovalov
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The analysis focuses on collecting ability of easily desorbed (ED-forms) ethyl and butyl xanthates. The authors give visual proof of “dry” spot extension on mineral surface when xanthates that are active relative to air–water interface are desorbed from it. It is shown that ED-forms of agents, being products of interaction between xanthates and heavy metal salts, can remove water from film between mineral particle and air bubble. The main force on water in the film is conditioned by surface tension nonuniformity at the moment of local rupture and by surface pressure of molecules in the film of agent ED-forms. The collecting ability of ED-forms of xanthate is determined as the rate of its influence on water in the film. The forces exerted on water in the film of ED-forms of ethyl and butyl xanthates are estimated numerically. The dependence of volumetric water flow from the film on the surface tension of agent ED-forms active at air–water interface is found. It is shown that collecting ability of an agent is dependent on surface tension of solution of its ED-forms and is governed by structure of hydrocarbon fragment of the collector.
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V. N. Oparin, V. F. Yushkin, G. N. Polyankin, A. N. Grishin,
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Siberian Transport University,
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Novosibirsk State University,
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The article describes the integrated method and results of deformation–wave monitoring of temporal lining in railway tunneling in complex geological conditions in the south of Western Siberia.
3D geometric parameters of temporal lining are measured by laser scanning at a span of 3 months, which enables comparing actual 3D models of temporal lining and rocks in reinforced tunnel section. Based on the data obtained at various times of observation, shifting of unmarked points of temporal lining and deformation of tunnel walls and arch were determined. High density scanning allows remote identification of comparatively small zones where structure of rocks and state of lining are changed. The authors analyze seismic vibration of rocks under hammering, which shows that peak spectral densities of elastic wave in rocks are conditioned by low-frequency (pendulum) wave generated at siltstone and coal interface, and are related with dimension of joints and with mechanical properties of rocks.
Block rock mass, temporal lining, tunnel lining, deformation monitoring, laser scanning, seismic wave, rock hardness coefficient, spectrum analysis
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S. V. Serdyukov, N. V. Degtyareva, A. V. Patutin, and L. A. Rybalkin
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
The article describes engineering designs of dilatometer to measure transverse deformation in borehole subjected to internal pressure exerted through impermeable shell. The device is equipped with the robotized system for advance along the borehole without special sectional barrels. Functionality and capacities of the dilatometer are optimized for surveying in long directional drill holes in mines.
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