JMS, Vol. 50, No. 3, 2014
L. A. Nazarov, L. A. Nazarova, G. N. Khan, and M. Vandamme
The authors offer an approach to estimating parameters of underground voids formed in soil under natural or induced forces. Irreversible deformation of soil is modeled using discrete element method. The formulated inverse problem on geometry and occurrence depth of a void by the data on configuration of the subsidence trough has a single-valued solution.
Soil mass, irreversible deformation, subsidence trough, discrete element method, inverse problem, cost function, approximation
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S. V. Klishin and A. F. Revuzhenko
The 3D discrete element approach is used for the computational investigation of the problem on pressure exerted by granular material on the bottom and walls of a cylindrical container. Dry friction between the granular material particles and friction on the container walls are taken into account. The particles have spherical shape with the assigned radial distribution. The authors analyze the effect of filling method on stress state of granular medium. Accuracy of Janssen’s hypotheses is estimated in engineering problem formulation.
Pressure, stress state, granular material, numerical analysis, discrete element method, Janssen’s problem
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A. I. Chanyshev and I. M. Abdulin
It is suggested to assess plastic state of rocks around an unsupported cylindrical excavation by measured displacements of its walls. The problem (overspecified in the viewpoint of classical formulation) has a unique solution that allows calculation of stresses, strains and displacements in the plastic deformation domain, including the elastic-plastic boundary, without addressing the elastoplastic problem.
Stresses, strains, elasticity, plasticity, elastic-plastic boundary, overspecified problem, Cauchy problem
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V. E. Mirenkov and A. A. Krasnovsky
The authors discuss formulation of boundary conditions in problems on stress–strain state of rocks around an underground excavation. The classical formulations neglect the presupposition of linearity of stress field in an intact rock mass with depth and disregard the discrepancy of the calculated and actual behavior of rocks. The presented study is based on the linearity of initial stresses and the computational domain boundary conditions that assume stress linearity and unaltered boundary conditions during drivage. The problem on stress–strain state is divided into two problems due to option of formulating accurately boundary conditions for the horizontal boundary and the absence of such option for the vertical boundary.
Boundary conditions, excavation, displacements, stresses, intact rock mass, horizontal pressure
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A. F. Revuzhenko
Stress tensor invariants are determined as average stresses at all possible areas of a volume element. Integration of stresses is performed in the plane of Mohr’s circles. The obtained invariants can be used in formulating criteria of limit stress (failure) in geomaterials.
Rock, stress tensor, strains, invariants, strength, criteria
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V. L. Gilyarov, E. E. Damaskinskaya, A. G. Kadomtsev,
and I. Yu Rasskazov
The authors analyze geoacoustic monitoring data obtained at the rockburst-hazardous Antey deposit and propose an approach to the data processing and interpretation based on the following statistical parameters: wavelet coefficient dispersion, correlation fractal dimension and signal energy distribution. Collated, the calculated parameters and the induced seismicity in the Gluboky Mine have exhibited adequate correlation, which allows considering the parameters as potential indications of accidents.
Antey deposit, rockburst hazard, induced seismicity, failure, acoustic emission, wavelet coefficient dispersion, correlation integral, energy distribution
1. Rasskazov, I.Yu., Saksin, B.G., Petrov, V.A., and Prosekin, B.A., Geomechanics and Seismicity of the Antey Deposit Rock Mass, J. Min. Sci., 2012, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 405–412.
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E. P. Fel’dman, T. A. Vasilenko, and N. A. Kalugina
The article gives the review of the present-day development in the physical kinetics of coal–methane system. The Gibbs thermodynamic potential is derived for this system as the function of methane density (persisting order parameter) and coal jointing (non-persisting order parameter). The authors put forward åðó diffusion-filtration mechanism of mass transfer in porous material on two time scales and substantiate the concept of “quick” and “slow” methane. Based on the nonequilibrium thermodynamic potential, kinetic equations are derived for gas pressure and jointing in coal (bed). The first equation solution explains the physical effect of temporal gas pressure growth at the maximum of the external rock (bearing) pressure, the second equation enables generalization of the Griffiths failure criterion for a set of gas-filled joints. Mechanism of pre-outburst spalling of gas-saturated coal is analyzed.
Thermodynamic potential, filtration diffusion, gas-filled joint, Griffiths criterion, abutment pressure, coal bed
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B. B. Danilov, B. N. Smolyanitsky, and E. N. Sher
Under discussion is plastic soil removal in horizontal rotating pipeline by air flow. It is experimentally proved possible to remove soil by batches generated during rotation of the pipeline. The found relationship between soil conveying in the pipeline, the pipeline diameter and air forward pressure is made the basis for determination of the parameters of the main transporting line in a drilling installation.
Drilling, drill hole, pipeline, transportation, soil batch, pressure differential
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I. V. Tishchenko and V. V. Chervov
In the context of the problem of increase in efficiency of vibro-percussion driving of steel pipes in soil, a pilot model of shock generator with step speed adjustment for the bit and anvil impact is described. The authors report experimental modeling of pipe penetration depending on load of stalk. The influence of the stalk load parameters on the amplitude of generated shock pulses and the pipe penetration rate in elastoplastic soil is defined.
Air hammer, vibro-percussion puncture, shock pulse amplitude, impact speed, blow energy, penetration intensity and depth
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G. G. Sakantsev and V. I. Cheskidov
Under discussion are the issues of driving secondary access roadways without pushing ultimate pitwall limits in steep deposits with internal dumping. The calculation scheme and correlation analysis of key elements of the resource-saving technology are presented. Regressional relationships are obtained for length of an open pit mine bottom, specific weight of internal dumping and the open pit mine parameters. The article specifies the effective range of the developed technology.
Deep open pit mine, mined-out void, internal dump, access roadways
1. Cheskidov, V.I., Performance Potential of the Coal Strip Mining in the East of Russia, J. Min. Sci., 2007, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 429–435.
2. Molotilov, S.G., Norri, V.K., Cheskidov, V.I., and Mattis, A.R., Nature-Oriented Open Coal Mining Technologies Using Mined-Out Space in an Open Pit. Part I: Analysis of the Current Mineral Mining Methods, J. Min. Sci., 2006, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 622–627.
3. Sakantsev, G.G., Vnutrennee otvaloobrazovanie v glubokikh rudnykh kar’erakh (Internal Dumping in Deep Open Pit Mines), Ekaterinburg: UrO RAN, 2008.
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C. Meagher, R. Dimitrakopoulos, and D. Avis
Existing methods of pushback (phase) design are reviewed in the context of “gap” problems, a term used to describe inconsistent sizes between successive pushbacks. Such gap problems lead to suboptimal open pit mining designs in terms of maximizing net present value. Methods such as the Lerchs–Grossman algorithm, network flow techniques, the fundamental tree algorithm, and Seymour’s parameterized pit algorithm are examined to see how they can be used to produce pushback designs and how they address gap issues. Areas of current and future research on producing pushbacks with a constrained size to help eliminate gap problems are discussed. A framework for incorporating discounting at the time of pushback design is proposed, which can lead to mine designs with increased NPV.
Pushback design, open pit optimization, cardinality constrained graph closure
1. Farrelly, C. and Dimitrakopoulos, R., Recoverable Reserves and Support Effects in Optimizing Open Pit Mine Design, International Journal of Surface Mining, 2002, vol. 16, no. 3.
2. Dowd, P.A., Risk in Minerals Projects: Analysis, Perception and Management, Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Technology, 1997, vol. 106.
3. Dimitrakopoulos, R., Farrelly, C.T., and Godoy, M.C., Moving Forward from Traditional Optimization: Grade Uncertainty and Risk Effects in Open-Pit Design, Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Technology, 2002, vol. 111.
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6. Zuckerberg, M., J. van der Riet, Malajczuk, W., and Stone, P., Optimal Life-of-Mine Scheduling for a Bauxite Mine, J. Mining Science, 2011, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 158–165.
7. Locchi, L., Carter, P., and Stone, P., Sequence Optimization in Longwall Coal Mining, J. Mining Science, 2011, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 151–157.
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S. V. Shaklein and M. V. Pisarenko
The audit of minerals and raw material reserves in the producing, prepared for production and new areas in the Kuznetsk Coal Basin shows that the use of the available package of coal geotechnologies meant for a relatively narrow range of geological and mining conditions results in depletion of the explored high-processable reserves. It is thought that the Kuzbass development strategy should sidetrack the search of new mining areas with the assigned geological and mining conditions and aim at hunting and elaborating mining and processing technologies that enable extraction of previously proved and undeveloped reserves. Such progression and expansion of the mineral and raw material reserves base of Kuzbass will promote advance in the mining science and engineering and favor more comprehensive utilization of the available industrial potential, infrastructure and human resources.
Coal reserves and resources, coal mining, geological and mining conditions, subsoil use
1. Ugol’naya baza Rossii. Ugol’nye basseiny i mestorozhdeniya Zapadnoi Sibiri (Kuznetsky, Gorlovsky, Zapadno-Sibirsky basseiny: mestorozhdeniya Altaiskogo kraya i respubliki Altai) (Coal Base of Russia. Coal Basins and Deposits in West Siberia (Kuznetsky, Gorlovsky, Zapadno-Sibirsky Basins: Deposits in the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai)), Moscow: Geoinformtsentr, 2003.
2. Balans zapasov uglei kamennykh i burykh Kemerovskoi oblasti po sostoyaniyu na 01.01.2011 (Balance of Hard and Brown Coal in Kemerovo Region as of January 1, 2011), Novokuznetsk, 2011.
3. Balovnev, V.P., Shaklein, S.V., and Yarkov, V.O., Mineral and Raw Materials Base of Coal Industry in Kuzbass, Gorn. Prom., 2000, no. 2.
4. Pisarenko, M.V., Mining and Technological Estimate of Coal Deposits in Kuzbass, Nedropol’z. v 21 Veke, 2010, no. 6.
5. Shaklein, S.V. and Pisarenko, M.V., Approaches to Validation of Concept of Mineral and Raw Materials Base Development in Kuzbass, Rats. Osvoen. Nedr, 2012, no. 2.
6. Shaklein, S.V. and Pisarenko, M.V., Nonstandard Coal Geotechnologies—The Basis for the Intensive Development of Mineral and Raw Materials Base in Kuzbass, Gorn. Prom., 2010, no. 4.
7. Shaklein, S.V. and Pisarenko, M.V., Substantiation of the Transition to the Intensive Development of Coal Base in Kuzbass, Gorn. Inform.-Analit. Byull., 2013, Special Issue 6.
8. Pisarenko, M.V., Shaklein, S.V., and Rogova, T.B., Subsoil Use in Kuzbass: Lessons of the World Finance-and-Economy Regression, Mineral. Resurs. Rossii. Ekonom. Upravl., 2010, no. 4.
9. Pisarenko, M.V., State-of-the-Art and Development Trends in the Coal Industry in Kuzbass, Gorn. Prom., 2008, no. 4.
10. Shaklein, S.V. and Pisarenko, M.V., Intensive Development of Raw Materials Bases of the Coal Industry in Kuzbass, Mineral. Resurs. Rossii. Ekonom. Upravl., 2013, no. 6.
11. Artem’ev, V.B., Prospects for Plowing, Ugol’, 2004, no. 3.
12. Shraiber, A.A. and Red’kin, V.B., Current and Future Coal Mining Technologies, Probl. Obshch. Energ., 2008, no. 17.
13. Kreinin, E.V., Once More on Reviving of Underground Coal Degassing in Russia, Ugol’, 2006, no. 7.
14. Litvinsky, G.G., Mine of the 21st Century, Ugol’, 2006, no. 1.
15. Puchkov, L.A., Mikheev, O.V., Atrushkevich, V.A., and Atrushkevich, O.A., Integrirovannye tekhnologii dobychi uglya na osnove gidromekhanizatsii (Hydromechanization-Based Integrated Coal Mining Technologies), Moscow: MGGU, 2000.
16. Klishin, V.I., Klishin, S.V., and Opruk, G.Yu., Modeling Coal Discharge in Mechanized Steep and Thick Coal Mining, J. Min. Sci., 2013, vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 932–940.
17. Klishin, V.I., Validation of Coal Mining Technology for Thick Flat-Lying and Steep Coal Beds, Gorn. Inform.-Analit. Byull., 2013, Special Issue 6.
V. N. Oparin, V. P. Potapov, O. L. Giniyatullina, N. V. Andreeva,
E. L. Schastlivtsev, and A. A. Bykov
The article deals with estimation of snow cover condition and air pollution in areas of fast-paced coal mining. It is suggested to use data of remote earth sensing in winter, and snow cover in this case acts as a survey sheet-indicator of underlying ground contamination. The article exemplifies evaluation of data for a Kuzbass mining area of 100 km2 by snow quality.
Coal mining, remote sensing data, satellite images, geoecological monitoring, air pollution, fallout, snow cover, spectral reflectance analysis
1. Oparin, V.N., et al., Destruktsiya zemnoi kory i protsessy samoorganizatsii v oblastyakh sil’nogo tekhnogennogo vliyaniya (Earth’s Crust Destruction and Self-Organization in Areas Subject to Strong Impact of Industry), Novosibirsk: SO RAN, 2012.
2. Potapov, V.P., Matematicheskoe i informatsionnoe modelirovanie geosistem ugol’nykh predpriyatii (Modeling Coal Mine Geosystems Based on Figures and Information), Novosibirsk: SO RAN, 1999.
3. Oparin, V.N., Potapov, V.P., Popov, S.E., Zamaraev, R.Yu., and Kharlampenkov, I.E., Development of Distributed GIS Capacities to Monitor Migration of Seismic Events, J. Min. Sci., 2010, vol. 46,
no. 6, pp. 666–671.
4. Kalabin, G.V., Quantitative Assessment Procedure for Environmental Conditions in the Mining and Processing Industry Areas, J. Min. Sci., 2012, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 382–389.
5. Oparin, V.N., Potapov, V.P., Giniyatullina, O.L., and Andreeva, N.V., Water Body Pollution Monitoring in Vigorous Coal Extraction Areas Using Remote Sensing Data, J. Min. Sci., 2012, vol. 48,
no. 5, pp. 934–940.
6. Potapov, V.P., Oparin, V.N., Logov, A.B., Zamaraev, R.Yu., and Popov, S.E., Regional Geomechanical-Geodynamic Control Geoinformation System with Entropy Analysis of Seismic Events (In Terms of Kuzbass), J. Min. Sci., 2013, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 482–488.
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V. A. Masloboev, S. G. Seleznev, D. V. Makarov, and A. V. Svetlov
The authors examine oxidation of sulfide minerals in mine waste and the associated ecological problems. The highest environmental hazard is produced by fine-dispersed mill tailings, especially where sulfide content is comparable with nonmetal content of low-chemical activity. In terms of some production waste accumulations in Murmansk Region, it is shown that the eco-hazard source can be not only fine but also coarse particle waste (Allarechensky mine waste) and ore concentration waste with low sulfide content but highly chemical-active nonmetals (Pechenga ore field).
Overburden dumps, copper–nickel ore concentration tailings, ecological hazard, sulfide oxidation
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V. A. Chanturia, I. Zh. Bunin, M. V. Ryazantseva, I. A. Khabarova,
E. V. Koporulina, and N. E. Anashkina
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy are used to study the change of the surface layers and chemical state of atoms on galena surface after treatment by high-voltage nanosecond electromagnetic pulses. By XPS the induced structural changes of galena surface layer are associated with alteration of chemical state of sulfur atoms, which conditions the change of electrochemical and flotation properties of the semiconductor sulfide mineral: growth of electrode potential creates favorable conditions for adsorption of anion collector and promotes increased floatability of galena.
Galena, calcite, powerful nanosecond electromagnetic pulses, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, analytical electron microscopy, surface, sorption, flotation
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Coal, coal dust, wettability, air and dust mixture, spectral transmittance, capture coefficient
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The effective electrochemical method of saponite and slime removal from recycled water of Severalmaz JSC plants is scientifically and experimentally justified based on the analysis of electric properties of saponite surface. The method consists in utilizing electrophoretic attachment of negative-charge fine saponite particles to anode and electro-osmosis and clarified water exudation on cathode. The developed method will allow higher efficiency and regulation of diamond extraction and ecology problem resolution due to closed water rotation and no water discharge to the tundra.
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The acoustic data measurement system and processing algorithm are developed to position a pneumatic impact machine in soil. The method is based on recording lag time of entry of acoustic signal generated on interaction between the pneumatic impact machine and soil in the receiver of multichannel measurement system relative to reference signal of the machine. The measurement system and the algorithm have been trialed in full-scale conditions.
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