JMS, Vol. 50, No. 2, 2014
V. N. Oparin,d, T. A. Kiryaeva, V. Yu. Gavrilov, R. A. Shutilov,
A. P. Kovchavtsev, A. S. Tanaino, V. P. Efimov, I. E. Astrakhantsev,
and I. V. Grenev
The paper presents laboratory and in situ research data on interaction of geomechanical and physicochemical processes in Kuzbass coal of various ranks, considering temperature effect. Under analysis is the relation of stress–strain state, temperature and infrared radiation of coal. The authors study the role of temperature and microstructure of coal in energy and mass exchange processes (variation of mass, volatile yield, specific surface, internal energy of methane adsorption capacity decrease and moisture content). Interrelation of outburst hazard and fire hazard in coal is discussed from the viewpoint of uniform stage-wise thermomechanics and thermochemistry of coal behavior in the course of coal formation and extraction. The article introduces a generalized factor for quantitative description of petrographic properties of coal. Using this factor, the authors classify and describe petrographic groups of Kuzbass coal.
Stress–strain state, temperature, coal, volatile yield, specific surface, structure, porosity, density, oxidation, combustion, outburst hazard, coal ranks, classification
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E. I. Mashinskii
The article describes local microplastic inelasticity in loam during propagation of P-wave with a frequency of 240–1000 Hz between two shallow wells, one holding piezoelectric radiator and the other containing piezoelectric receiver. The seismic record displays microplasticity phenomenon as the step-wise changes of the signal amplitude with time and the flat sections in the curve from microsecond to dozens microseconds long. These plateaus create short-terms breaks of the process—the time lags that depend on the signal amplitude. As a result, the first arrival time of the wave is changed, and the wave is transformed. It is presumable that microplasticity is conditioned by stress concentration at different defects. The research findings can be used in solving applied problems in mining engineering and seismology.
Local inelasticity, dynamic microplasticity, time lag and deformations, inelastic seismic parameters, amplitude dependence of wave velocities and attenuation
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A. F. Emanov, A. A. Emanov, A. V. Fateev, E. V. Leskova,
E. V. Shevkunova, and V. G. Podkorytova
The data on the world-strongest earthquake induced by hard mineral mining—Bachatsky earthquake (local magnitude 6.1) in Kuzbass on June 18, 2013—are reported. Seismic activation of the territory at the Bachatsky Open Pit Mine in 2012–2013 awoke three large earthquakes, sensibly affecting the Kuzbass towns. The authors have analyzed the results of experiments on temporal seismology nets in 2012 and the records of the after-shocks of the Bachatsky earthquake in 2013. The low energy seismic activity is revealed in rocks under the Bachatsky and Shestaki OPMs. It is found that small earthquakes cluster under the center of the open pit mine bottoms, and the larger earthquakes crowd under the pitwalls, and the depth of the earthquake sources is 3–4 km.
Induced earthquake, induced seismicity, Bachatsky Open Pit Coal Mine, Kuzbass, after-shocks, temporal seismic net
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S. V. Klishin, O. A. Mikenina, and A. F. Revuzhenko
The authors investigate numerically stress–strain state of a granular material around a rigid circular inclusion in case of combined loading under rotation of principal stress axes. Dilatancy, dry friction and viscosity are taken into account. It is shown that under certain conditions, the rigid inclusion undergoes the torque contrariwise the rotation direction. The numerical investigation results are compared with the relevant experiment data.
Stress state, granular material, numerical analysis, discrete element method, rigid inclusion, viscosity
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O. B. Bocharov, V. Ya. Rudyak, and A. V. Seryakov
Under analysis is the model of two-phase flow in porous medium and deformation of the pore space. The model includes the equations of fluid transfer and porous matrix deformation, derived from the conservation laws. It is shown that the system of the constitutive equations contains a few small parameters, and the corresponding expansion allows obtaining a hierarchical sequence of models of certain deformation conditions. The zero approximation and first approximation models are written in explicit form. It is found that if fluids are incompressible, the first approximation equations go to the Buckley–Leverett model-like system with account for the change of the porous space. The zero approximation equations describe the porous medium behavior under condition of the unchanged volume. In this case, the equation of the pore pressure is separated from the equation of the elastic matrix. The analytical solutions obtained for the zero approximation model in cylindrical coordinates feature shear stresses capable to cause failure.
Poroelasticity, theory of mixtures, scaling method, saturated porous medium, couple model, unchanged volume medium, analytical solutions
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V. L. Shkuratnik, E. A. Novikov, and R. O. Oshkin
The consistent patterns of low temperature-stimulated acoustic emission (TAE) in rocks of various genotypes and porosity under uniaxial compression are experimentally examined and theoretically based. It is shown that these consistent patterns obtained in magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks qualitatively coincide. The authors compare limits of deformation stages in the tested rocks, found by a conventional method based on strain measurements in specimens under compression and by the TAE method. It is explained that the thermal acoustic emission phenomena are associated with the transfer of the studied objects between deformation stages depending on the initial faulted-porous structure of a geomaterial. The applicability of the TAE method to controlling stresses and their time and space dynamics in rocks is illustrated.
Rocks, genotype, uniaxial compression, thermally stimulated acoustic emission, theoretical basis, stress–strain state, porosity
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K. O. Sokolov
The article proposes to estimate electromagnetic energy dissipation in a medium using a new processing method of georadar profiles based on continuous wavelet transform. The proposed method applicability to location of inhomogeneities in a highly electroconductive frozen rock mass is illustrated.
Georadiolocation, wavelet-analysis, permafrost zone, rock mass, inhomogeneity
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M. A. Rozenbaum and D. N. Demekhin
The authors discuss issues of stage-wise rock bolting of mine workings. Using equivalent material models, permissible roof rock lamination for roof bolting in conformity with the excavation support standards is evaluated. The critical displacements of roof rocks that make stage-wise roof bolting impossible are calculated.
Mine working, rock bolts, stage-wise rock bolting, stability, permissible displacements, critical displacements, equivalent material model
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P. A. Martynyuk and E. N. Sher
Effect of irregular structure of a compressed blocky rock mass on propagation of a hydrofracture is analyzed in the limit case when biaxial compression field is hydrostatic.
Hydraulic fracturing, blocky rock mass, compression field, fracture opening
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Energy consumption in failure, negative temperature, carbonate rocks, kimberlite
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V. I. German
The author analyzes the physical sense of the seismicity characteristics most often used in assessment of failure hazard in mines. Based on the failure mechanics, the modified damage accumulation criterion successfully used in failure prediction in Zhezkazgan copper mine is described and validated.
Failure prediction, seismic monitoring, damage accumulation criterion, parameter of closeness of seismic events
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E. V. Freidina, A. A. Botvinnik, and A. N. Dvornikova
Topicality, concept, principles and tool of the robust control in open pit mining are given. It is shown that each stage of the product quality control must have permissible range of fluctuation for coal properties, loading equipment capacity and work area limits in open pit mines. The goal and capabilities of the robust control is the stable operation of the production system within the set limits and constraints. The article presents methodology and implementation tool for the robust control in open pit coal mines.
Robustness, open pit mining, robust control, permissibe variation range, quality control, geoinformation modeling, complete and conditionally dynamic models, quality maps, control maps
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G. D. Pershin and M. S. Ulyakov
Relations of the main characteristics of cutting (capacity, energy consumption and diamond tool wear) and the wire saw mode are presented for various heights of a cutting bench. The authors develop the wire saw control mode selection procedure accounting for the said relations of the cutting performance, cutting cost and the bench height. For the selection of the rational mode of the wire saw control, the integrated technical-and-economic index is offered, characterized by the cost related with the stone cutting intensity.
Wire saw, capacity, tool wear, specific work of cutting, cost
1. Bychkov, G.V. and Kokunin, R.V., Optimum Methods of Accessing Mining Floors in Promising and Operating Natural Stone Deposits, Dobycha, obrabotka i primenenie prirodnogo kamnya: sb. nauch. tr. (Extraction, Processing and Use of Natural Stone: Collected Papers), Pershin, G.D. (Ed.), Magnitogorsk: MGTU, 2007.
2. Dobrovsky, A.B. and Ulyakov, M.S., Selection of Equipment for the Low Sanarsk Grandiorite Deposit Mining, Gorny Zh., 2011, no. 5.
3. Pershin, G.D., Karaulov, N.G., and Ulyakov, M.S., The Research of High-Strength Dimension Stone Mining Technological Schemes in Russia and Abroad, SWorld, 2013, vol. 11, no. 2.
4. Aglyukov, Kh.I., Validation of Granite Block Extraction Efficiency, Dobycha, obrabotka i primenenie prirodnogo kamnya: sb. nauch. tr. (Extraction, Processing and Use of Natural Stone: Collected Papers), Pershin, G.D. (Ed.), Magnitogorsk: MGTU, 2003.
5. Pershin, G.D., Karaulov, N.G., Ulyakov, M.S., and Sharov, V.N., Features of Diamond-Wire Saws Application for Rock Overburden Removal at Marble Quarry Construction, SWorld, 2013, vol. 14, no. 3.
6. Aglyukov, Kh.I., Improvement of Granite Block Technology Quality, Ekonomika, upravlenie, kachestvo: Mezhvuz. sb. nauch. tr. (Economy, Management, Quality: Inter-University Collected Papers), Magnitogorsk: MGTU, 2003.
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9. Pershin, G.D., Pshenichnaya, E.G., and Ulyakov, M.S., Influence of Wire Saw Operation Control Mode on Its Productivity, Dobycha, obrabotka i primenenie prirodnogo kamnya: sb. nauch. tr. (Extraction, Processing and Use of Natural Stone: Collected Papers), Pershin, G.D. (Ed.), Magnitogorsk: MGTU, 2012.
10. Pashchenko, K.G., Bakhmatov, Yu.F., Frolushkina, K.A., and Zaritsky, B.B., Effect of Technological Parameters on Wire Abruptness in Non-Die Drawing, Proc. 67th Conf., Magnitogorsk: MGTU, 2009.
11. Pashchenko, K.G., Bakhmatov, Yu.F., and Golubchik, E.M., Influence of Plastic Tension–Bending During Joint Descaling and Drawing on Wire Properties, Stal’, 2011, no. 3.
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13. Pershin, G.D. and Ulyakov, M.S., Validation of Methods of Higher Strength Block Stone Extraction, Vestn. MGTU, 2010, no. 4.
B. Dimitrijevic, S. Vujic, I. Matic, S. Majianac, J. Praštalo,
M. Radosavljevic, and V. Čolakovic
Klenovnik open pit mine in the Kostolac coal basin was closed after coal reserves had been depleted. The land reclamation and renovation project is in process. The key concern is selection of the land reclamation method. Considering objectives of the reclamation project and the environmental conditions, 10 alternative scenarios are offered based on analysis of the influences and the project feasibility criteria. The ranging of the alternatives and the sound selection of the best scenario is possible using the multi-attribute decision making techniques Promethee and Electre.
Reclamation, open pit coal mine, multi-attribute and multi-criterion analysis, decision-making
1. Ordin, A.A., Ecological-Economic Evaluation of Status and Future Line of Development of Coal Mining in the Kuznetsk Basin, Journal of Mining Science, 1994, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 218–222.
2. Vujic, S., Cvejic, J., Miljanovic, I., and Drazic, D., Planning Reclamation and Rehabilitation of Open Pit Mines Surface, Belgrade: Belgrade University, 2009.
3. Bubnova, M.B. and Ozaryan, Yu.A., Geoecological Valuation of Natural and Mine Engineering Systems on the South of the Far East, Journal of Mining Science, 2012, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 941–946.
4. Godoy, M. and Dimitrakopoulos, R., A Risk Quantification Framework for Strategic Mine Planning: Method and Application, Journal of Mining Science, 2011, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 235–246.
5. Hudej, M., Multi-Variable Models of Control in Mining, Dr. Tech. Sci. Dissertation, Belgrade: Belgrade University, 2013.
6. Vujic, S., Makar, N., Nikolic, J., et al., General Project of the Klenovnik Open Pit Coal Mine Closure, Mining University Records, Belgrade, 2013.
7. Dimitrijevic, B., Optimization of Reclamation Processes for Open Pit Coal Mines, Dr. Tech. Sci. Dissertation Run-Time Version, Belgrade: Belgrade University, 2013.
A. M. Krasyuk, P. V. Kosykh, and E. Yu. Russky
The article presents the results of the spectrum analysis of air flow disturbance under train piston effect in the subway. The authors offer a procedure for estimating influence of air flow disturbance on torsional behavior of tunnel fan rotor. It is shown that with a variable frequency drive, it is possible that harmonic frequencies of the disturbed flow coincide with the eigenfrequencies of the rotor.
Train repetition rate, air flow disturbance, spectrum analysis, subway fan, vibration amplitude, fan load, fatigue strength, frequency spectrum
1. Kosykh, P.V. and Krasyuk, A.M., Influence of Air Flow Disturbance on the Dynamics of Rotor
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5. Krasyuk, A.M., Tunnel’naya ventilyatsiya metrolopitenov (Tunnel Ventilation in Subways), Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2006.
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L. Yu. Levin, M. A. Semin, and A. V. Zaitsev
The mathematical methods of forecasting microclimate conditions in an arbitrary layout network of excavations are developed based on analysis of formation of thermal environment in mines. The mathematical models allow calculation of heat distribution in excavations, considering hydrostatic compression–expansion of air in vertical and inclined workings, presence of heat liberation (absorption) and moisture transitions.
Network of excavations, microclimate, thermal environment, unsteady heat transfer, rock mass, mathematical modeling, air distribution, heat liberation sources
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K. N. Trubetskoy, Yu. P. Galchenko, and G. V. Sabyanin
In focus are the conditions and features of a new ecological object of the lithosphere—the industrially changed interior of the Earth. The authors hypothesize on formation of geophysical ecotone and present the procedure for evaluating ecological indicators of the ecotone as applied to underground mineral mining.
Lithosphere, production-changed interior of the Earth, geophysical ecotone, stress–strain state, rock mass, ecological indicators, index, density
1. Rodionov, V.N., Sizov, V.A., and Tsvetkov, V.M., Osnovy geomekhaniki (Basics of Geomechanics), Moscow: Nedra, 1986.
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E. V. Bogatyreva, A. V. Chub, and A. G. Ermilov
It is possible to forecast variation in energy content and reactivity of arizonite and ilmenite concentrates after their mechanical activation using data of X-ray crystal analysis. It is found that energy of arizonite and ilmenite after mechanical activation differs from energy of structural damages within the minerals. Effect of the energy, accumulated in the course of mechanical activation in the form of the surface energy and micro-strains, on the subsequent leaching process has been proved. The efficient preliminary mechanical activation of arizonite and ilmenite makes the background for manufacturing of artificial rutile from available mineral raw material.
Arizonite concentrate, ilmenite concentrate, mechanical activation, hydrochloric acid leaching, X-ray crystal analysis
1. Reznichenko, V.A., Averin, V.V., and Olyunina, T.V., Titanaty: nauchnye osnovy, tekhnologiya, proizvodstvo (Titanates: Science, Technology, Production), Moscow: Nauka, 2010.
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V. I. Beloborodov, G. P. Andronov, I. B. Zakharova,
N. M. Filimonova, and E. D. Rukhlenko
The authors present research findings on dressing of Namibia shelf phosphate rocks. Alternative circuits of gravity dressing of phosphate rock specimens having different chemistry and grain size composition are offered. The resultant phosphate concentrate contains 27% P2O5 at 81.2% P2O5 recovery.
Phosphate rock, gravity concentration, concentration table, phosphate concentrate
1. Baturin, G.N., Fosfatonakoplenie v okeane (Phosphate Accumulation in the Ocean), Moscow:
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M. Doumbouya, K. El Kacem, S. Kitane, and A. Belhaj
This paper describes the treatment of gold ores via the bauxite waste mud used as a pH modifier in the cyanidation of gold. The red mud is irrefutable in modifying the pH of gold ore sludges. So any gold contained in the red mud is concentrated by gravity separation and is recovered along with gold from the gold ore. Carbon tests are carried out on cyanide leach solutions to determine the level of deactivation resulted by organics in the bauxite waste mud.
Gold, bauxite waste, cyanidation, leaching, gravity separation, carbon
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