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JMS, Vol. 48, No. 4, 2012


D. V. Yakovlev, S. V. Tsirel’, B. Yu. Zuev, and A. A. Pavlovich

The paper reviews calculation methods for pitwall stability under seismic impact of earthquakes. The physical modeling allowed determination of seismic vibration influence on sliding of probable wedge of failure, the latter is assumed to be bounded by stressed sliding surfaces. Finally, the authors advise on choice of the pitwall stability factors for seismically active areas.

Seismic waves, earthquakes, Newmark’s method, slope stability, stability factor, pseudo-static approach

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M. V. Kurlenya, V. D. Baryshnikov, and L. N. Gakhova

The researchers have obtained parametric criteria for geomechanical assessment of excavations stability based on numerical modeling of the closing rock mass stress-strain state and using the in situ observations. The authors present the predictive estimate of stability of stopes in the bottom-up slice mining in the Internatsionalnaya kimberlite mine.

Stress-strain state, mathematical modeling, strength properties, stability criteria, excavation stability

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L. A. Nazarova, L. A. Nazarov, and N. A. Miroshnichenko

The authors have developed a method of quantitative estimation of filling mass deformation and strength characteristics in the course of stoping at sheet ore deposits by the in situ measurements of relative displacements of points at the mined-out stope contour. The article also analyses the structure of objective functions of the formulated inverse coefficient problems for the elastic-plastic rock deformation model, and examines their resolvability.

Rock mass, sheet deposit, backfill, elastic-plastic model, finite element method, inverse coefficient problem

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V. E. Mirenkov and A. A. Krasnovsky

The accumulation of faults in a rock mass is conventionally controlled by detecting the acoustic emission signals from a rock specimen compressed by a gradually increasing load on a plate at a press. The research problem under these conditions is to establish the relationship between the stress-strain state of a test specimen and the failure initiation, viz., geometry of accumulated pores. When solving direct problems it is found that the initiation of the specimen failure depends on respective boundary conditions emerged under plates of a loading device. The authors considered the cases of the fault accumulation in rocks and the rock failure initiation as examples.

Failure, pores, rock block, stresses, displacements, reverse problems, equations, boundary conditions

1. Mirenkov, V.E. and Shutov, V.A., Matematicheskoe modelirovanie deformirovaniya gornykh porod okolo poslablenii (Mathematical Simulation of Rock Deformation in the Vicinity of Weakened Areas), Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2009.
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V. L. Shkuratnik and E. A. Novikov

The authors experimentally established and substantiated the relation between the ultimate strength of compressed hard rock specimens and the activity of low-temperature thermally induced acoustic emission, averaged in a preset temperature range. This relation is explicit under conditions of the preliminary censoring of the test specimen collection with rejection of specimens with abnormal defectiveness, detected from the analysis of TIE. The study case of the ultimate strength evaluation for Kapustinsky granite by using the thermoacoustic emission measurements is reported.

Hard rocks, ultimate compression strength, thermally induced acoustic emission, sample censoring, fissuring

1. Trofimov, V.T., Korolev, V.A., Voznesensky, E.A., Golodkovskaya, G.A., Vasil’chuk, Yu.K., and Ziangirov, R.S., Gruntovedenie (Soil Science), edit. Trofimov V. T. Edition 6, Moscow: MGU, 2005.
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8. Karabutov, A.A., Makarov, V.A., Cherepetskaya, E.B., and Shkuratnik, V.L., Lazerno ultrazvukovaya spektroskopiya gornykh porod (Laser Ultrasonic Spectroscopy of Rocks), Moscow: Gornaya Kniga, 2008.

V. Ya. Rudyak and A. V. Seryakov

The article describes simulation of stress state in pore pressure in a reservoir, in the vicinity of a horizontal well, subjected to the hydromechanical effect of drilling mid, using the poroelastic model of reservoir deformation, which accounts for the dynamics of the drill mud cake formation on the well walls. It is illustrated how the stress and pore pressure are distributed when no cake is formed and in cases of the uniform-permeable and nonuniform-permeable cake.

Reservoir, stress, strain, pore pressure, drill mud cake, poroelasticity

1. Manakov, A.V. and Rudyak, V.Ya., “Mixed Simulation Algorithm for Filtration and Geomechanics in Well Bore Zone,” Sib. Zh. Idustr. Matem., 2012, no. 1.
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Yu. I. Kolesnikov, K. V. Fedin, A. A. Kargapolov, and A. F. Emanov

Physical simulation has displayed possibility to determine free frequencies and geometrical forms of bending stationary waves in pipelines by the recorded acoustic noise on the pipelines surface. The authors show the usability of the obtained data to the pipeline support stability assessment. Partial or total instability, that makes the span between the rigid joints of the pipe longer, shows itself as the sharp structural change of the field of bending stationary waves induced by acoustic noise in the pipe.

Pipeline, free frequencies, vibration forms, noise field, instability, physical simulation

1. Oparin, V.N., Simonov, B.F., Yushkin V. F., et al., Geomekhanicheskie i tekhnicheskie osnovy uvelicheniya nefteotdachi plastov v vibrovolnovykh tekhnologiyakh (Geomechanical and Engineering Background for Oil Recovery Enhancement in the Vibration Wave Technologies), Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2010.
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Yu. A. Kashnikov, V. V. Musikhin, and I. A. Lyskov

The authors report on interferometric processing of satellite radar data with the aim of determining the subsidence of the ground surface in the underworked areas of civil and industrial infrastructure. The interferometry method results and the instrumental monitoring data are compared in terms of a few actual mines.

Differential radar interferomerty, synthetic aperture radar, radar scene, ground surface subsidence, underworked area, digital relief model, gas-condensate field

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6. ESA TM-19. InSAR Principles: Guidelines for SAR Interferometry Processing and Interpretation, Noordwijk: ESTEC, 2007.
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8. Rees, W.G., Physical Principles of Remote Sensing, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
9. ESA TM-19. InSAR Principles: Guidelines for SAR Interferometry Processing and Interpretation, Noordwijk: ESTEC, 2007.
10. Elachi, C., Spaceborne Radar Remote Sensing: Applications and Techniques, New York, IEEE Press, 1987.
11. Bakulev, P.A., Radiolokatsionnye sistemy (Radar Systems), Moscow: Radiotekhnika, 2004.
12. Guzhov, V.I. and Il’inykh, S.P., Komp’yuternaya interferomnetriya: ucheb. posobie (Computer-Aided Interferometry: Educational Guidance), Novosibirsk, NGTU, 2004.
13. Wegmuller, U., Users Guide, Gamma Remote Sensing, 2006.
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15. Bush, V., Hevel, H.-P., Schaffer, M., Walter, D., and Baryakh, A., “Control of Underworked Areas Subsidence using the Radar Interferometry Methods,” Marsheideriya Nedropol’z., 2009, no. 2.


I. P. Shcherbakov, V. S. Kuksenko, and A. E. Chmel’

Laboratory specimens of granite were exposed to uniaxial compression and impacted by a dropping load unit failure in order to obtain time sequences of acoustic emission signals generated due to micro-cracking. Time resolution in the impact fracturing was 10 ns. Both under compression and impact, the macroscale failure stage was preceded by micro-scale damages accumulation stage. The accumulation stage duration under compression is far much longer than the failure stage, while the situation is opposite in case of failure under impact.

Impact failure, granite, acoustic emission, damage accumulation

1. Damaskinskaya, E.E., Kuksenko, V.S.,m and Tomilin, N.G., “Two-Stage Rock Failure Model,” Fiz. Zemli, 1994, no. 10.
2. Amitrano, D., “Rupture by Damage Accumulation in rocks,” Int. J. Fract., 2003, vol. 139.
3. Kadomtsev, A.G., Domsakinskaya, E.E., and Kuksenko, V.S., “Features of Fracturing Granite under Varied Deformation Conditions,” Fiz. Tverd. Tela. 2011, vol. 53, no. 9.
4. Makarov, P.V., “Evolutionary Behavior of Failure in Solids and Solid Media,” Fiz. Mezomekh., 2007, vol. 10, no. 3.
5. Yakovitskaya, G.E., Metody i tekhnicheskie sredstba diagnostiki kriticheskikh sostoyanii gronykh porod na osnove elekromagntinoi emissii (Methods and Means for Diagnostics of Limit Conditions in Rocks by Electromagnetic Emission), Novosibirsk: Parallel’, 2008.
6. Smirnov, V.B., Ponomarev, A.V., and Zav’yalov, A.D., “Structure of Acoustic Regime in Rock Specimens and the Seismic Process,” Fiz. Zemli, 1995, no. 1.
7. Chmel, A. and Shcherbakov, I., “Acoustic, Electromagnetic, and Photon Emission from Dynamically Fracturing Granite,” PAGEOPH, 2012, vol. 167, no. 11.
8. Morgunov, V.A. and Malzev, S.A., “A Multiple Fracture Model of Pre-Seismic Electromagnetic Phenomena,” Tectonophysics, 2007, vol. 431, nos. 1 4.
9. Kuksenko, V., Tomilin, N., and Chmel, A., “The Rock Fracture Experiment with a Drive Control: A Spatial Aspect,” Tectonophysics, 2007, vol. 431, nos. 1 4.
10. Kurlenya, M.V., Oparin, V.N., and Eremenko, A.A., “Relation of Linear Block Dimensions of Rocks to Crack Opening in the Structural Hierarchy of Masses,” Journal of Mining Science, 1993, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 197 — 203.
11. Makarov, P.V., Physical Nature of Deformation and Failure of Solids and Solid Media,” Fiz. Mezomekh., 2004, vol. 7, no. 4.
12. Saether, E. and Taasan, S., “Hierarchical Approach to Fracture Mechanics,” NASA Technical Reports, 2004, NASA/TM-2004–213499.


A. I. Chanyshev

Given the known temperature and its gradient at a body’s boundary, the heat distribution, including the location and geometry of heat sources in the body interior is recovered. The article analyzes the plane stationary problem formulation and solution, and the Hadamard’s example. The proposed scheme of numerical solution (with an option of extension for a 3D case) is compared with the analytical solution.

Temperature, gradient, boundary, heat distribution, heat sources

1. Tikhonov, A.N. and Samarsky A. A., Uravneniya matematichskoi fiziki (Equations of Mathematical Physics), Moscow: Nauka, 1977.
2. Courant, R. and Hilbert, D., Methods of Mathematical Physics: Partial Differential Equations, John Wiley, 1961.
3. Vladimirov, V.S., Uravneniya matematichskoi fiziki (Equations of Mathematical Physics), Moscow: Nauka, 1971.
4. Haberman, R., Elementary Applied Partial Differential Equations, New Jersey: A Paramount Communications Company Englewood Cliffs, 1987.
5. Muskhelishvili, N.N., Nekotorye osnovnye zadachi matematicheskoi teorii uprogosty (Some Principal Problems of Mathematical Elastic Theory), Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2009.
6. Kabanikhin, S.I., Obratnye i nekorrektnye zadachi (Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems), Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2009.
7. Sobolev, S.L., Uravneniya matematichskoi fiziki (Equations of Mathematical Physics), Moscow: Nauka, 1966.
8. Shvab, A.A., “Inverse Overspecified Problem for Inhomogeneous Elastic Medium,” Sib. Zh. Idust. Matem., 2004, vol. 7, no. 4.
9. Chanyshev, A.I. and Vologin, D.A., “Determination of the Stress-Strain State and Damages in a Rock Mass by the Displacement Measurement on Its Surface. Part I: Analytical Solutions,” Journal of Mining Science, 2012, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 395 — 403.


A. A. Repin, S. E. Alekseev, and A. I. Popelyukh

It is proposed to wholistically ensure reliable operation of downhole air hammers. The article describes testing of stresses of air hammer model P150, indicates ways to increasing strength of impacting parts, shows how thermal treatment regimes may influence strength of steel the parts are made of, and present a downhole air hammer design with reduced amount of stress risers in the impacting parts.

Downhole air hammer, borehole, thermal treatment, stress risers, strength, reliability

1. Ivanov, K.I., Glazunov, B.N., and Nadion, M.F., Sovremennnye metody bureniya krepkikh porod (Current Hard Rock Drilling Methods), Moscow: Gos. nauch.-tekh. izd. lit. po gorn. delu, 1963.
2. Repin, A.A., Alekseev, S.E., and Pyatnin, G.A., “Expanding the Field of Application of P150 Downhole Air Hammer,” in Proc. 4th Conf. High-Tech Mineral Mining and Processing, Novosibirsk: IGD SO RAN, 2005.
3. Popelyukh, A.I., Bataev, A.A., Teplykh, A.M., Ognev, A.Yu., and Golovin, E.D., “Thermal Treatment of Engineering Steels with Mixed Martensite-Bainite Transformation of Austenite,” Stal’, 2011, no. 4.
4. Popelyukh, A.I., Teplykh, A.M., Terent’ev, D.S., and Ognev, A.Yu., “Increase Structural Strength of the Percussive Machine Parts under Thermal Treatment and Generation of a Mixed Structure,” Obrabot. Metall., 2009, no. 2.
5. Repin, A.A., Alekseev, S.E., Popelyukh, A.I., and Teplykh, A.M., “Influence of Nonmetallic Inclusions on Endurance of Percussive Machines,” Journal of Mining Science, 2011, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 798 — 806.
6. Alekseev, S.E., RF patent no. 2090730, in Byull. Izobret., 1997, no. 26.
7. Repin, A.A., Alekseev, S.E., and Pyatnin, G.A., RF patent no. 2343266 ÐÔ, in Byull. Izobret., 2009, no. 1.

S. A. Kharitonov, B. F. Simonov, D. V. Korobkov, and D. V. Makarov

The paper proposes the analysis of three design and control scenarios for the system intended to generate the variable-frequency constant-voltage energy on the basis of a synchronous generator and a paralleled semiconductor converter. The research scientists demonstrate the stabilization of the synchronous generator voltage, evaluation of basic electrical parameters, and the relationship between them and operation modes of the system.

Synchronous generator, constant magnets, variable frequency, voltage control, semiconductor converter

1. Levin, A.V., Alekseev, I.I., Kharitonov, S.A., Kovalev, L.K., Elektricheskii samolet: ot idei do realizatsii (Elektrical Airplane: from Idea to Realization), Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 2010.
2. Treshchev, I.I., Elektromekhanicheskie protsessy v mashinakh peremennogo toka ( Electromechanical Processes in AC Machines), Leningrad: Energiya, 1980.
3. Kharitonov, S.A., Elektromagnitnye protsessy v sistemakh generirovaniya elektricheskoi energii dlya avtonomnykh ob’ektov (Electromagnetic Processes in Power Generating Systems for Self –Contained Entities), Novosibirsk: NGTU, 2011.


K. N. Trubetskoy, D. R. Kaplunov, and M. V. Ryl’nikova

The article deals with procedural aspects and development prospects of the resource-saving and resource-reproducing geotechnologies as the foundation and conditions for the profitable functioning of the mineral resource complex in Russia. The definition and implementation of the full cycle comprehensive subsoil exploitation are described, the advantages of the modular mobile backfill manufacturing units are illustrated and the main ways of development of the beneficial production waste utilization are pointed at.

Resource-saving and resource-reproducing geotechnologies, full cycle comprehensive ore field development, low quality material utilization

1. Trubetskoy, K.N., Razvitie novykh napravleniy v kompleksnom osvoenii nedr (Development of New Trends in the Comprehensive Exploitation of the Subsoil), Moscow: IPKON AN SSSR, 1990.
2. Kaplunov, D.R., Ryl’nikova, M.V., and Arsent’ev, V.A., “Resource-Saving Technology and Equipment for High Capacity Backfilling in Hard Mineral Underground Mining,” Gorny Zh., 2012, no. 8.

A. P. Tapsiev and V. A. Uskov

The options of improving ore extraction from underground thin flat and inclined ore veins using self-propelled machine complexes are discussed in terms of renovated technology application in the Karalveem gold ore field.

Gold ore veins, geology, mining conditions, geotechnology, ore loss, ore dilution, self-propelled machine complexes, broken rock backfill

1. Trubetskoy, K.N., Galchenko, Yu.P., and Sabyanin, G.V., “Strategy of Technological Innovation in Lode Ore Extraction,” Journal of Mining Science, 2011, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 476 — 483.
2. Oparin, V.N., Rusin, E.P., Tapsiev, A.P., et al., Mirovoi opyt avtomatizatsii gornykh rabot na podzemnykh rudnikalh (The World-Wide Experience of Underground Mining Automatization), Novosibirsk: SO RAN, 2007.
3. Korern’kov, E.N., Artemenko, Yu.V., and Uskov, V.A., “Gently Dipping Vein Ore Mining with Self-Propelled Equipment,” in Fundamental’nye problem formirovaniya tekhnogennoi sredy (Fundamental Problems of Geoenvironment Formation under Industrial Impact), vol. 1, Novosibirsk: IGD SO RAN, 2007.
4. Lyubin, A.N., “Calculation of Drilling and-Blasting Parameters for Narrow Faces,” Gorny Zh., 2001, no. 12.
5. Agabalyan, Yu.A., Oganesyan, A.G., and Sarkisyan, A.G., “Optimized Extraction of Very Thin Orebodies,” Gorny Zh., 2005, no. 1.
6. Uskov, V.A., RF patent no. 2397324, in Byull. Izobret., 2010, no. 23.
7. Freidin, A.M., Tapsiev, A.P., Uskov, V.A., et al., “Reequipment and Development of Mining Method at Zapolyarny Mine,” Journal of Mining Science, 2007, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 290 — 299.

P. A. Filippov and A. M. Freidin

The authors discuss the current situation in the iron and steel industry and the iron ore mining in West Siberia, and evaluate the prospects and ways of improvement in the indicated sphere.

Iron ore deposit, iron and steel industry, open and underground mining, technology, mining method, sublevel caving, self-propelled equipment, production capacity, investment

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G. N. Volchenko, V. M. Seryakov, and V. N. Fryanov

The paper analyzes probability of improving ore blasting efficiency in rock masses under the natural, gravitational tectonic and mining-induced stresses. The safe, resource-saving process proposed by the authors for the induced block caving in the deep hard rock mining provides lower consumption of commercial explosives by utilizing the rock pressure energy in the blasting process.

Rock mass, stresses, strain, mine, mining system, explosive charge, short-delay blasting, energy

1. Matveev, I.F., Control of the Rockburst Hazard in a Rock Mass by Adjusting the Blasting Breakage Parameters at Siberian Iron Ore Mines, Doctorate (Engineering) Dissertation, Novokuznetsk: SibGIU, 2004.
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V. A. Chanturia, I. Zh. Bunin, M. V. Ryazantseva, and I. A. Khabarov

The mechanism for the powerful nanosecond electromagnetic pulse (MNEMP) effect on the phase composition of new-formed chalcopyrite and sphalerite structures is studied by IR Fourier spectroscopy method. The authors establish the effect of the higher sorption activity of sulfide minerals subjected to the electromagnetic pulse treatment. The research data are confirmed by the experimental data on MNEMP effect on electrochemical and flotation properties of chalcopyrite and sphalerite.

Chalcopyrite sphalerite, powerful nanosecond electromagnetic pulses, IR spectroscopy, electrode potential, flotation

1. Chanturia, V.A., Trubetskoi, K.N., Viktorov, S.D., and Bunin, I.Zh., Nanochastitsy v protsessakh razrusheniya I vaskrytiya materialov (Nanoparticles in Material Fragmentation and Exposure Processes), Moscow: IPKON RAN, 2006.
2. Chanturia, V.A., Ivanova, T.A., Khabarova, I.A., and Ryazantseva, M.V., Effect of Ozone on Physical-Chemical properties of surface of pyrrhotite under the Nanosecond Electromagnetic Pulse Treatment, Journal of Mining Science, 2007, vol. 43, no. 1.
3. Chanturia, V.A., Filippova, I.V., Filippov, L.O., Ryazantseva, M.V., and Bunin, I.Zh., Influence of Powerful Nanosecond Electromagnetic Pulses on Surface and Flotation Properties of Carbonate-Bearing Pyrite and Arsenopyrite, Journal of Mining Science, 2008, vol. 44, no. 5.
4. Ivanova, T.A., Bunin, I.Zh., and Khabarova, I.A., Specific Features of Sulfide Mineral Oxydation under the Nanosecond Electromagnetic Pulse Effect, Izv RAN, Physics Series, 2008, vol. 72, no. 10.
5. Ryazantseva, M.V. and Bogachev, V.I., Influence of Nanosecond Electromagnetic Pulses on Electrophysical Properties of Pyrite and Arsenopyrite, Journal of Mining Science, 2009, vol. 45, no. 5.
6. Ryazantseva, M.V., Mechanism for the Nanosecond Electromagnetic Pulse Effect on Structural-Chemical and Flotation Properties of Pyrite and Arsenopyrite, PhD Dissertation (Eng.), Moscow: URAN IPKON RAN, 2009.
7. Chanturia, V.A., Bunin, I.Zh., Ryazantseva, M.V., Filippova, I.V., and Koporulina, E.V., Nanosecond Electromagnetic Pulse Effect on Phase Composition of Pyrite and Arsenopyrite Surfaces, Journal of Mining Science, 2011, vol. 47, no. 4.
8. Khabarova, I.A., Electromagnetic Pulse Enhancement of the Contrast between Physico-Chemical and Flotation Properties of Pyrrhotite and Pentlandite, PhD Dissertation (Eng.), Moscow: URAN IPKON RAN, 2011.
9. Chanturiya V. A., Bunin I. Zh., Ryazantseva M. V., and Filippov L. O. Theory and Application of High-Power Nanosecond Pulses to Processing of Mineral Complexes, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 2011, vol. 32, no 2.
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18. Ivanovskaya, M.I., Tolstik, A.I., Kotikov, D.A., and Pan’kov, V.V., Structural Specific Features of Zn – Mn-Ferrite, Synthesized by the Sprayed Pyrolysis, ZhFKh, 2009, vol. 83, no. 12.

A. P. Sorokin, I. F. Savchenko, V. Z. Mezhakov, and T. V. Artemenko

The paper evaluates the economic merit and quality of the West Amur Region brown coal in terms of grade 1B coal that presents the two third of the regional coal reserves. However, this grade coal is high-ashy, high-moisture and low calorific capacity, and is therefore not used. The authors suggest innovative solutions for this grade coal conversion, including field curing, briquetting and high-speed thermochemical pyrolysis.

Coal potential, brown coal, region, West Amur Region, technological innovations, field curing, briquetting, thermochemical conversion of grade 1B coal

1. Vasil’ev, I.A., Kapanin, V.P.,Kovtonyuk, G.P., et al., Mineral’no-syr’evaya baza Amurskoi oblasti na rubezhe vekov (Mineral Reserves of the Amur Region at the 20th Century Turn), Blagoveshchensk, 2000.
2. Sorokin, A.P., Kuz’minykh, V.M., and Rozhdestvina, V.I., “Gold in Brown Coal: Localization, Occurrence, Extraction,” DAN, 2009, vol. 424, no. 2.
3. Savchenko, I.F. and Sorokin, A.P., RF patent no. 2273811, in Byull. Izobret., 2006, no. 10.
4. Gumarov, R.Kh., “Alkali Solutions of Aid Humates as a Binding Agent in Black Coal Briquetting,” Khim. Tverd. Topl., 1971, no. 5.
5. Savchenko, I.F. and Sorokin, A.P., RF patent no. 2252948, in Byull. Izobret., 2005, no. 15.
6 . Savchenko, I.F. and Sorokin, A.P., RF patent no. 2273563, in Byull. Izobret., 2006, no. 10.

E. D. Shepeta, L. A. Samatova, and S. A. Kondrat’ev

The laboratory and commercial trials of ore specimens with different content of tungstic oxide and calcite have conducted, and basic patterns in flotation have been established. Based on the results of analytical and practical studies, the actual processing plant’s operating practice and processing flow sheet have been upgraded.

Scheelite-carbonate ore, calcium minerals, chemical feed flow sheets, flotation properties, floatability, rate of extraction

1. Stepanov, G.N., Mineralogiya, petrografiya i genesis skarnovykh sheelit sulfidnykh mestorozhdenii Dalnego Vostoka (Mineralogy, Petrography, and Genesis of Skarn Scheelite Sulfide Deposits in the Far East), Moscow: Nauka, 1997.
2. Gvozdev, V.I. and Orekhov, A.A., Metasomatic Rocks and Genesis of Skrytoe Scheelite Deposit, Primorie, Geolog. Rud. Mestorozh., 2004, vol. 46, no. 6.
3. Samatova, L.I., Gvozdev, V.I., Kienko, L.A., et al., Mineralogical-Processing Characteristics of Ores from Skrytoe Scheelite Deposit, and their Perspective Dressing Trends, Primorski Krai, Tikhookeanskaya Geologiya, 2011, no. 6.
4. Povarennykh, A.S., Kristallokhimicheskaya klassifikatsiya mineralnykh vidov (Crystal Chemical Classification of Mineral Species), Kiev: Vysha Shkola, 1966.
5. Sorokin, M.M., Flotatsionnye metody obogashcheniya (Flotation as a Mineral Processing Method), Moscow: Dom MISiS, 2011.
6. Lourier, Yu.Yu., Analiticheskaya khimiya promyshlennykh stochnykh vod (Analytical Chemistry of Waste Waters), Moscow: Khimiya, 1984.
7. Shepeta, E.D., Selective Desorption of Collectors from Calcium Mineral Surface and Flotation of Fine-Grain Scheelite Fraction from Tungsten Ores Mined at Vostok-2 Deposit, Cand. Sc. (Eng.) Dissertation, Moscow, 1987.
8. Barskii, L.A., Kononov, O.V., and Ratmirova, L.I., Selektivnaya flotatsiya kaliisoderzhashchikh mineralov (Selective Flotation of Potassium-Bearing Minerals), Moscow: Nedra, 1979.
9. Bogdanov, O.S., Teoriya i tekhnologiya flotatsii rud (Theory and Process for Ore Flotation), Moscow: Nedra, 1990.

S. A. Antsiferova, V. G. Samoilov, R. S. Min, and O. N. Suvorova

The authors have analyzed applicability of butyl potassium xanthate coupled with sulfide and aromatic concentrate, recovered from high sulfur diesel fraction of South Uzbekistan in two-stage extraction in the solution of zinc solution in N,N-dimethyl formamide, in flotation of gravity circuit tailings. The best performance has been reached at the ration of the said concentrates as 2/1, which results in 12.2% reduction of gold loss in the tailings, and, for another thing, the quality of the rougher sulfide flotation concentrate grows by 6 g/t.

Flotation, gold ore, apolar collecting agent

1. Zelenov, V.I., Metodika issledovaniya zoloto- i serebrosoderzhashchikh rud (Gorld-Containing and Silver-Containing Ore Investigation Procedure), Moscow: Nedra, 1989.
2. Kuzina, Z.P., Min, R.S., Plyusnin, A.N., Pashkov, G.L., Poroikova, G.P., Antsiferova, A.S., et al., RF patent no. 1610647, in Byull. Izobret., 1993, no. 20.
3. Kuzina, Z.P., Min, R.S., and Samoilov, V.G., “Commercial testing of a New Collecting Agent meant for Flotation of Lead-Zinc Ore,” Tvet. Metally, 1999, no. 3.


V. N. Oparin, E. V. Denisova, and A. I. Konurin

The paper describes the in situ testing of the developed and designed acoustic control systems to track an air percussion machine movement in soil. Based on the test data processing, the authors have related the acoustic signal due to machine motion and the machine location. It is concluded advisable to control air percussion machinery movement in soil using acoustic signal.

Air percussion machine, acoustic signal, soil, acceleration indicator, two-channel acoustic detector, multichannel acoustic monitoring system

1. Oparin, V.N. and Denisova, E.V., Printsipy postroeniya radiochastotnykh system navigatsii dlya bestransheinykh tekhnologii prokladki podzemnykh kommunikatsii (Design Concept for radio Frequency Positioning Systems in Trenchless Underground Pipeline Laying), Novosibirsk: SO RAN, 2011.
2. Rybakov, A.P., Osnovy bestransheinykh tekhnologii (teoriya i praktika) (Guide Rules of Trenchless Technologies: Theory and Practice), Moscow: Press Byuro No. 1, 2005.
3. Denisova, E.V., Neverov, A.A., Gavrilov, S.Yu., and Konurin, A.I., “Geomechanical Prove of the Experimental Tests of Acoustic Field Induced by An Air Percussion Machine Movement in Spoil,” Vestn. KuzGTU, 2011, no. 5.
4. Oparin, V.N., Denisova, E.V., Gavrilov, S.Yu., and Konurin, A.I., RF patent no. 116573, Byull. Izobret., 2012, no. 5.
5. Voznesensky, A.S., Sistemy kontrolya geomekhanicheskikh protsessov: Uchebnoe posobioe (Systems of Control over Geomechanical Processes: Educational Aid), Moscow: MGGU, 2002.
6. Rasskazov, I.Yu., Kontrol’ i upravlenie gornym davleniem na rudnikakh Dal’nevostochnogo regiona (Strata Pressure Control in Mines in the Far East), Moscow: Gornaya kniga, 2008.
7. Denisova, E.V., Konurin, A.I., and Polotnyanko, N.S., “Geomechanical Tracking of Impulse Source in Rocks,” in 2nd Russia-China Conf. Proc. Nonlinear Geomechanical-Geodynamic Processes in Deep Mining, Novosibirsk: IGD SO RAN, 2012.
8. Oparin, V.N., Denisova, E.V., Gavrilov, S.Yu., Konurin, A.I., and Polotnyanko, N.S., RF patent no. 118765, , Byull. Izobret., 2012, no. 21.

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