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JMS, Vol. 47, No. 6, 2011

L. A. Nazarov, L. A. Nazarova, A. F. Yaroslavtsev, N. A. Miroshnichenko, and E. V. Vasil’eva

The authors propose a new procedure for establishment of the space time relationships between the quantity and energies of seismic events and the stress-strain state parameters using deterministic information on variation of geomechanical fields and the statistical analysis of the induced seismicity data. The new procedure has been verified under conditions of Tashtagol iron ore mine.

3D geomechanical model, stress-strain state, induced seismicity parameters, correlation analysis, finite element method

1. Oparin, V.N., et al., Zonal’naya dezintegratsiya gornykh porod i ustoichivost’ podzemnykh vyrabotok (Zonal Rock Disintegration and the Stability of Underground Workings), Novosibirsk: SO RAN, 2008.
2. Iannacchione, T, “Relationship of Roof Movement and Strata-Induced Microseismic Emission to Roof Falls,” J. Min. Eng., 2004, no. 4.
3. Oparin, V.N., Tapsiev, A.P., Vostrikov, V.I., et al., “On Possible Causes of Increase in Seismic Activity of Mine Fields in the Oktyabrsky and Taimyrsky Mines of the Noril’sk Deposit in 2003. Part I,” Fiz-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2004, no. 4, pp. 3—22 [Journal of Mining Science, 2004, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 321 338].
4. Wang, H. and Ge, M., “Acoustic Emission/Microseismic Source Location Analysis for a Limestone Mine Exhibiting High Horizontal Stresses,” Int. J. of Rock Mech. and Min. Sci., 2008, vol. 45, no. 5.
5. Shen, B., King, A., and Guo, H., “Displacement, Stress and Seismicity in Roadway Roofs during Mining-Induced Failure,” Int. J. of Rock Mech. and Min. Sci., 2008, vol. 45, no 5.
6. Aki, K. and Richards, P.G., Quantitative Seismology. Theory and Method, Vol. 1, San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1983.
7. Sobolev, G.A., Osnovy prognoza zemletryasenii (Fundamentals of Earthquake Prediction), Moscow: Nauka, 1993.
8. Lavrov, A.V., Shkuratnik, V.L., and Filimonov, Yu.L., Akustoemissionnyi effect pamyati v gornykh porodakh (Acoustic Emission Effect of Rock Memory), Moscow: MGTU, 2004.
9. Nazarova, L.A., Nazarov, L.A., and Leont’ev, A.V., “Three-Dimensional Geomechanical Model of Tashtagol Iron-Ore Deposit,” Fiz-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 1998, no. 3, pp. 28 37 [Journal of Mining Science, 1998, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 209 216].
10. Oparin, V.N., et al., Metody i sistemy seismodeformatsionnogo monitoringa tekhnogennykh zemletryasenii i gornykh udarov (Methods and Systems for Seismic-Deformation Monitoring of Induced Earthquakes and Rock Bursts), Novosibirsk: SO RAN, 2009.

V. M. Zhigalkin, B. A. Rychkov, O. M. Usol’tseva, P. A. Tsoi, and M. K. Chynybaevc

The paper presents the theoretical determination method for rock strength properties under uniaxial and triaxial compression. The experimental values of ultimate strengths of dolomite and granite samples are used as the initial data. The correlation between the calculated and experimental data has been stated.

Stress, strain, ultimate strengths, Mohr’s circles, shear plane, envelope of limiting Mohr’s circles

1. Zhigalkin, V.M., Luzhanskaya, T.A., Rychkov, B.A., Usol’tseva, O.M., and Tsoi, P.A., “Tracing of Stress Circle Envelope Based on the Calculation and Experimental Data,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2010, no. 6, pp. 25–36 [Journal of Mining Science, 2010, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 612–620].
2. Rychkov, B.A., Mamarov, Zh.Y., and Kondrat’eva, E.I., “Determination of the Ultimate Tensile Strength of Rocks by the Uniaxial Compression Test Data,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2009, no. 3, pp. 40–45 [Journal of Mining Science, 2009, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 235–239].
3. Duishenaliev, T.B., Koichumanov, K.R., Sultanaliev, R. M., and Chynybaev, M., “The Quantitative Description of Mohr’s Theory of Failure,” in XVII Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya shkola im. akad. S. A. Khristianovicha “Deformirovanie i razrushenie materialov s defektami i dinamicheskie yavleniya v gornykh porodakh i vyraborkakh” (18th International Scientific School of Academician S. A. Khristianovich “Deformation and Failure of Materials with Defects and the Dynamic Phenomena in Rocks and Mine Workings”), Alushta, 2007.
4. Mogi, K., Experimental Rock Mechanics, Netherlands: Taylor&Francis/Balkema, 2007.
5. Stavrogin, A.N. and Tarasov, B.G., Eksperimental’naya fizika i mekhanika gornykh porod (Experimental Physics and Rock Mechanics), Saint Petersburg: Nauka, 2001.
6. Pogorelov, A.V., Differentsial’naya geometriya (Differential Geometry), Moscow: Nauka, 1974.
7. Kondrat’eva, E.I., “A Refinement of the Rock Strength and Strain Characteristics,” Extended Abstract of Cand. Sci. Dissertation, Bishkek, 2008.
8. Duishenaliev, T.B. and Koichumanov, K.T., Uravnenie ogibayushchei linii predel’nykh krugov napryazhenii (Equation of the Limiting Stress Circle Envelope), Bishkek: Ilim, 2006.

A. P. Bobryakov

The paper focuses on two models of an earthquake—the dilatancy model and the consolidation and stick-slip model. Experimental basis for the research was measurements of stress-strain state in a granular medium with a movable plate that simulated edges and surfaces of a tectonic fault. The dilatancy model showed the lift of the granular material and the respective accumulation of potential energy. The second model showed that a share of the accumulated energy is elastic energy produced in a blocky medium due to sliding resistance on the surface of faults. The curves of shear stresses and displacements, obtained in soft loading of the plate, showed the stick-slip mechanism with displacement discontinuities and partial drops of stresses. The maximum displacement discontinuity and the highest dynamics on the curves correspond to the maximum value of the accumulated elastic energy which is then released on the descending branch of the curve.

Shearing, soft loading, granular medium, sliding friction, energy, fault, dilatancy

1. Kasakhara, K, Earthquake Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, 1981.
2. Kosygin, Yu. A., Tektonika (Tectonics), 3rd Edition, Moscow: Nauka, 1988.
3. Bobryakov, A.P. and Lubyagin, A.V., “Experimental Investigation into Unstable Slippage,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2008, no. 4, pp. 13—23 [Journal of Mining Science, 2008, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 336—345].
4. Kosykh, V.P., “Displacement Discontinuity Distribution in Granular Materials under Confined-Space Shearing,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2010, no. 3, pp. 23—30 [Journal of Mining Science, 2010, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 234—240].
5. Bobryakov, A.P. and Revuzhenko, A.F., “Uniform Displacement of the Granular Material. Dilatancy,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 1983, no. 5, 23—28 [Journal of Mining Science, 1983, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 373—378].
6. Gol’din, S.V., “Dilatancy, Repacking, and Earthquakes,” Fiz. Zemli, 2004, no. 10.
7. Gerasimova, T.I., Kondrat’ev, V.N., and Kocharyan, G.G., “Modeling Features of Shear Deformation of Fissure Containing Filler,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 1995, no. 4, pp. 61—69 [Journal of Mining Science, 1995, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 288—296].
8. Johnson, P., Savage, H., Knuth, M., Gomberg, J., and Marone, C., “Effects of Acoustic Waves on Stick-Slip in Granular Media and Implications for Earthquakes,” Nature, 2008, vol. 451.
9. Bobryakov, A.P., Revuzhenko, A.F., and Shemyakin, E.I., “Uniform Shear of Granular Material. Localization and Deformation,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 1983, no. 5, pp. 17—21 [Journal of Mining Science, 1983, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 372—376].
10. Bobryakov, A.P. and Revuzhenko, A.F., “Plastic Deformation of Friable Materials,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 1988, no. 4, pp. 3—8 [Journal of Mining Science, 1988, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 285—289].
11. Gere, J.M. and Shah, C.M., Terra Non Firma: Understanding and Preparing for Earthquakes, New-York: W. H. Freeman, 1984.
12. Kurlenya, M.V., Oparin, V.N., and Vostrikov, V.I., “Pendulum-Type Waves. Part II: Experimental Methods and Main Results of Physical Modeling,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 1996, no. 4, pp. 3—37 [Journal of Mining Science, 1996, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 245—273].
13. Kurlenya, M.V., Oparin, V.N., and Vostrikov, V.I., “Anomalously Low Friction in Block Media,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 1997, no. 1, pp. 3—16 [Journal of Mining Science, 1997, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 1—11].
14. Bobryakov, A.P., “Influence of Weak Shakes on a Statically Stressed Granular Medium,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2008, no. 2, p. 3—12 [Journal of Mining Science, 2008, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 115—122].
15. Bobryakov, A.P., “Stick-Slip Mechanism in a Granular Medium,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2010, no. 6, pp. 11—17 [Journal of Mining Science, 2010, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 600—605].

V. Babakov and A. Shymanska

The problem on limit equilibrium (initial flow) of a plastic material in the ñonvergent channel is solved in the paper. The authors develop the asymmetric solution algorithm to determine the surfaces of deformation localization and the sizes of the formed blocks depending on the channel geometry. The comparison of the proposed solution and experimental results confirm the acceptance of the method for solving the problem.

Plasticity, velocity field, upper bound load, convergent channel, asymmetric flow

1. Cutress, J.O. and Pulfer, R.F., “X-Ray Investigations of Flowing Powders,” Powder Technology, 1967, no. 1, pp. 213—220.
2. Bransby, P.L., Blair-Fish, P.M., and James, R.G., “An Investigation of the Flow of Granular Materials,” Powder Technology, 1973, no. 8, pp. 196—207.
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4. Bransby, P.L. and Blair-Fish, P.M., “Wall Stresses in Mass-Flow Bunkers,” Chemical Engineering Science, 1974, no. 29, pp. 1061—1074.
5. Bransby, P.L. and Blair-Fish, P.M., “Initial Deformations during Mass Flow from a Bunker: Observations and Idealizations,” Powder Technology, 1975, no. 11, pp. 273—288.
6. Revuzhenko, A.F., Stazhevskii, S.B., and Shemyakin, E.I., “Asymmetry of Plastic Flow in a Symmetrical Convergent Channel,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 1977, no. 3 [Journal of Mining Science, 1977, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 215—219].
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8. Lasdon, L.S. and Waren, A.D., GRG2 User’s Guide, Cleveland: Cleveland State University, 1986.
9. Lavrikov, S.V. and Revuzhenko, A.F., “Deformation of Flowing Media in Radial Channel”, Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2000, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 12–20 [Journal of Mining Science, 2000, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 8–16].

E. N. Sher, A. M. Mikhailov, and A. G. Chernikov

The authors examine the blast action near free surface in brittle solid rocks, where fracture takes shape of crack development. The calculation model of kinematics of cracks initiated from the explosion center and extending onto free surface is worked out based on the linear brittle failure theory. To simplify the problem, cracks are assumed axially symmetric. The calculations involved specific parameters of a medium, charge and its installation depth. The calculations allow the shapes of cracks and their size-to-time relation, as well as the size and shape of explosion crater under the concentrated charge blasting near free surface.

Numerical modeling, blasting, free surface, crack shape, explosion crater

1. Chadwick, P., Cox, A.D, and Hopkins, H.G., Mechanics of Deep Underground Explosions, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Mathematical and Technical Sciences, 1964, vol. 256.
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7. Martynyuk, P.A. and Sher, E.N., “Effect of Free Surface on the Shape of a Zone Broken in Blasting of a Cord Charge in a Rock Mass,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 1998, no. 5, pp. 81 92, [Journal of Mining Science, 1998, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 438 447].
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9. Sher, E.N., and Aleksandrova, N.I., “Dynamics of Breaking Zone Development during Explosion of a Concentrated Charge in a Brittle Medium,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2000, no. 5, pp. 54 68, [Journal of Mining Science, 2000, vol. 36, no. 5, pp.462 475].
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E. N. Sher and I. V. Kolykhalov

The paper deals with the flat problem about stresses in the vicinity of two closely spaced hydraulic factures, as well as with the relationship of stress intensity factors, external and internal pressures of the fractures and their configurations. Based on the calculations, the authors have determined the influence zone of the existing fracture on the newly created crack. Besides, the new created fracture propagation paths in the stress field generated by the existing fracture are plotted, and the new created fracture curvature versus the values of the problem parameters is analyzed. Finally, the conditions for the new created fracture to be minimum curved have been determined.

Strength, tension, bending, nonlocal strength criteria, hydraulic fracture

1. Zheltov, Yu.P. and Khristianovich, S.A., “Hydraulic Fracture in a Petroliferous Bed,” Izv. RAN SSR, OTN, 1955, no. 5.
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3. Alekseenko, O.P. and Vaisman, A.M., “Exact Solution of One Classical Problem on Hydraulic Fracturing,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2001, no. 5, pp. 53 63 [Journal of Mining Science, 2001, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 493 503].
4. Alekseenko, O.P. and Vaisman, A.M., “Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing of Oil Stratum Adjacent to Plastic Enclosing Rocks,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2001, no. 4, pp. 67 73 [Journal of Mining Science, 2001, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 401 406].
5. Prikladnye voprosy vyazkosti razrusheniya (Applications in the Field of Failure Viscosity), Moscow: Mir, 1968.
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7. Cherepanov, G.P., Mekhanika khrupkogo razrusheniya (Brittle Fracture Mechanics), Moscow: Nauka, 1974.

A. Nierobisz

In the paper, after short historical outline, a development of roof bolting use in Polish coal mines on the span of last twenty years was presented. Two characteristic examples of use were given. First of them is related to the solution, which found the widest use in mines. It consists in replacement of abutment at longwall and entry crossing with bolts. Second example concerns the use of independent roof bolting. For both examples, the geological conditions were described, as well as the applied patterns of bolting and the principles of support and mine working stability control. The realized review of development of roof bolting enables to present series of advantages resulting from the use of roof bolting. The use of independent roof bolting gives the largest efficiency effects. The calculations conducted for definite workings proved that the reduction of costs between 24 and 57% may be achieved in relation to arch support. Simultaneously, the fact attracts attention, that the total length of workings executed with independent roof bolting for last twenty years makes only 15% of stone coal workings total length realized in Polish coal mining on the span of one year only.

Mining technology, mining support, roof bolting

1. Bush, R., “Road support with steel bolts,” Magazine for Coal Mines-Steelworks and Selt Mines, 1919 (in German).
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E. Asa

In this research, geostatistical modeling and simulation algorithms are employed to characterize the coal deposit. The results of such modeling are then fed to a machine learning algorithm –the generalized regression neural network. The resulting intelligent model can then be employed to predict values in real time. This will ensure operational flexibility and enhance the mining and blending of coal to meet power plant or contract requirements.

Machine learning, algorithm, data analysis, evolutionary computation, Gaussian process, kriging, simulation models, stochastic models

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Y. L. Chen, Q. X. Cai, T. Shang, and Z. X. Che

To improve coal recovery rate of open pit coal mines, according to the conditions of coal seams at flat dipping open pit coal mines in China, a new mining system for recovering remaining coal around end-slopes was proposed. This system can extract the end-slopes coal remnants which are normally abandoned in traditional mining systems by using existing open pit mining and transportation systems. In this system, lower initial investment, mining and transportation costs are available, so the economic benefits are good. Moreover, the main mining parameters were discussed, and all of these results can be referred by the other open pit mines with similar geological conditions.

Mining system, remaining coal, highwall, extraction technology, zonal mining

1. Shang, T., Shu, J.S., Cai, Q.X., and Che, Z.X., “Space Time Relationship between End Slope Coal Extraction and Dumping and Mining of Open Pits,” Journal of China University of Mining & Technology, 2001, no. 1.
2. Xu, Z.Y., Cai, Q.X., and Shang, T., “Study of End-Slope Coal Mining and Its System Layout,” Journal of Mining & Safety Engineering, 2006, no. 4.
3. Hu, B.N., “Pillar Stability Analysis in Strip Mining,” Journal of China Coal Society, 1995, no. 2.
4. Guo, Z.Z., Xie, H.P., and Wang, J.L., “The Relationship of the Pillar Width and the Mining Width with the Surface Deformation Caused by Strip Extraction,” Journal of Xiangtan Min. Inst., 2003, no. 2.
5. Guo, W.B., Deng, K.Z., and Zhou, Y.F., “Research Status and Main Issues of Strip Mining in China,” Coal Science and Technology, 2004, no. 4.
6. Chen, Y.L., Cai, Q.X., Zhou, W., Luo, W., and Zhang, L., “Operation efficiency of dragline in surface coal mine,” Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering, 2009, no. 2.
7. Che, Z.X., and Yang, H., “Application of open-pit and underground mining technology for residual coal of end slopes,” Mining Science and Technology, 2010, no. 2.
8. Xu, Z.Y., Cai, Q.X., and Shang, T., “Study on end-slope coal mining and its system layout,” Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering, 2006, no. 4.
9. Qian, M.G. and Shi, P.W., Mining Pressure and Strata Control, Xuzhou: China University of Mining & Technology Press, 2003.

L. V. Gorodilov, V. G. Kudryavtsev, and O. A. Pashina

The article describes experimental research stand for hydraulic percussion systems, including a multi-purpose percussion device, installation table, damping device, and a fluid feed and distribution unit. The procedure, developed by the authors and presented in the article, allows the comprehensive analysis of processes running in hydropercussion systems, comparison of different systems, and comparison of experimental and theoretical data.

Stand, percussion device, system, sensors, procedure

1. Alimov, O.D. and Basov, S.A., Gidravlicheskie vibroudarnye sistemy (Hydraulic Vibro-Percussion Systems), Moscow: Nauka, 1990.
2. Ashavskiy, A.M., Osnovy proektirovaniya optimal’nykh parametrov zaboinykh burovykh mashin (Design Engineering for Optimal Parameters of Heading Boring Machines), Moscow: Nedra, 1966.
3. Gorbunov, V.F., et al., Gidravlicheskie otboinye i buril’nye molotki (Hydraulic Rock Hammers and Bore Hammers), Novosibirsk: IGD SO AN SSSR, 1982.
4. Gorbunov, V.F., Lazutkin, A.G., and Ushakov, L.S., Impul’snyi gidroprovod gornykh mashin (Pulsed Hydraulic Drive of Mining Machines), Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1986.
5. Iskenov, S.S., Universal’nye buril’nye mashiny (Multi-Purpose Drilling Machines), Bishkek: Ilim, 2004.
6. Melis uulu Danislan, Obobshchenie resul’tatov eksperimental’nykh issledovaniy ruchnogo gidravlisheskogo molotka “Impul’s” (Summary of the Experimental Investigation of the Hand Hydraulic Hammer “Impuls”), Bishkek: Ilim, 2004.
7. Erminidi, Yu. I., “Experimental Determination of Energy Characteristics of Hydro-and-Air Breaker Boy,” in Stroitel’no-dorozhnye mashiny i mekhanizmy. Sbornik statei (Road Construction Machines and Gears. Collected Works), Issue 3, Karaganda: KPTI, 1976.
8. Yantsen, I.A., Eshutkin, D.N., and Borodin, V.V., Osnovy teorii i konstruirovaniya gidropnevmoudarnikov (Basis of Theory and Engineering of Hydro-and-Air Hammers), Kemerovo: Kemerov. Kn. Izd., 1977.
9. Yasov, V. G. Teoriya i raschet rabochikh protsessov gidroudarnykh burovykh mashin (Theory and Calculation of Operation of Hydropercussive Drilling Machines), Moscow: Nedra, 1977.
10. Gorodilov, L.V., “Model of Hydraulic Percussion System with a Constant Flow Rate Source,” Proc. 3rd Int. Sci. Symp. Percussion-Vibration Systems, Machines, and Technologies, Orel: OrelTGU, 2006.
11. Gorodilov, L.V., “Numerical Study into Dynamics of Self-Oscillatory Hydropercussion Systems. Part I: Double-Acting Systems,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2007, no. 6, pp. 66—81, [J. Min. Sci., 2007, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 625—639].
12. Gorodilov, L.V., “Development of Theoretical Bases for 3D Hydropercussion Systems for Mining and Construction Machines,” Extended Abstract of Dr. Tekh. Sci. Dissertation, Novosibirsk: IGD SO RAN, 2010.
13. Goldobin, V.A., Gorodilov, L.V., and Mattis, A.R., RF patent no. 2182967, Byull. Izobret., 2002, no. 15.
14. Goldobin, V.A., et al., RF patent no. 2209878, Byull. Izobret., 2003, no. 22.
15. Goldobin, V.A., Gorodilov, L.V., and Pashina, O.A., RF patent no. 2230189, Byull. Izobret., 2004, no. 16.
16. Goldobin, V.A., Gorodilov, L.V., and Pashina, O.A., RF patent no. 2258161, Byull. Izobret., 2005, no. 22.
17. Gorodilov, L.V., et al., RF patent no. 2311532, Byull. Izobret., 2007, no. 33.
18. Gorodilov, L.V., et al., RF patent no. 2321777, Byull. Izobret., 2008, no. 10.
19. Gorodilov, L.V., “Procedure and Data of Experimental Research into Dynamics of Self-Oscillatory Hydraulic Percussion Two-Way and Direct-Action Systems,” Proc. Conf. on Fundamental Problems in Formation of Human-Induced Geo-Environment, Novosibirsk: IGD SO RAN, 2009, vol. 2.
20. Gorodilov, L.V. and Efimov, V.P., “Test Procedure for Pressure Sensors in the Hydraulic Pulse Systems,” Proc. Conf. on Fundamental Problems in Formation of Human-Induced Geo-Environment, Novosibirsk: IGD SO RAN, 2009, vol. 2.
21. Gorodilov, L.V., et al., “Experimental Research Stand and Measurement-and-Computation Facility for Hydraulic Percussion Systems,” Proc. Int. Conf. Problems and Prospects of Mining Sciences, Novosibirsk: IGD SO RAN, 2006, vol. 2.
22. Gorodilov, L.V. and Kudryavtsev, V.G., “Modeling the Interaction between a Striking Bar, Impactor Tool and Rocks,” Proc. Conf. on Fundamental Problems in Formation of Human-Induced Geo-Environment, Novosibirsk: IGD SO RAN, 2010, vol. 3.
23. Gorodilov, L.V. and Fadeev, P.Ya., “Analysis and Classification of Efficient Designs of Auto-Oscillating Hydraulic Percussion Systems,” Proc. Conf. on Fundamental Problems in Formation of Human-Induced Geo-Environment, Novosibirsk: IGD SO RAN, 2007, vol. 2.
24. Gorodilov, L.V., “Approximated Calculation Method of Auto-Oscillation Hydraulic Percussion System,” Proc. Conf. on Fundamental Problems in Formation of Human-Induced Geo-Environment, Novosibirsk: IGD SO RAN, 2009, vol. 2.

A. M. Petreev and A. S. Smolentsev

The article describes the experiments on energy transmission from a percussion machine to a pipe via a cone adaptor. The calculation model of the said percussion system is presented, and the calculation and experimental results are compared. It is quantitatively ascertained that the percussive system parameters have influence on the blow energy transmission that is a determinant of the driven pipe advancement in soil.

Pneumatic percussion machine, adaptor, pipe, soil, energy transmission, calculation scheme, experiment

1. Beloborodov, V.N., Isakov, A.L., Plavskikh, V.D., and Shmelev, V.V., “Modeling Impulse Generation during the Driving of Metal Pipes in Soil,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 1997, no. 6, pp. 66—71 [J. Min. Sci., 1997, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 549—553].
2. Isakov, A.L. and Shmelev, V.V., “Shock-Pulse Transmission on Driving Metal Tubes into the Ground,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 1998, no. 1, pp. 89—97 [J. Min. Sci., 1998, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 73—79].
3. Isakov, A.L. and Shmelev, V.V., “Wave Processes on Driving Metal Pipes into the Ground Using Shock-Pulse Generators,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 1998, no. 2, pp. 48—58 [J. Min. Sci., 1998, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 139—147].
4. Kirillov, A.A., “Selection of Efficient Design Parameters for Clamp Mechanisms and the Decision on the Efficient Blow Energy of Ring-Type Pneumatic Percussion Machines,” Extended Abstracts of PhD Dissertation, Novosibirsk, 1988.
5. Smolentsev, A.S., “Test Stand for Energy Transmission in the System of Striker—Adaptor—Pipe,” Proc. Conf. Fundamental Problems of the Formation of Human-Induce Geo-Environment, vol. 3, Novosibirsk: IGD SO RAN, 2010.
6. Birger, I.A. and Panovko, Ya.G., Prochnost’, ustoichivost’, kolebaniya. Spravochnik v 3-kh tomakh (Strength, Stability, Vibration. Three-Volume Reference Book), Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1968.
7. Timoshenko, S.P., Mashiny i obolochki (Machines and Housings), Moscow: Gostekhizdat, 1948.
8. Serepeninov, B.N. and Nikonova, I.P., Issledovanie peredachi prodol’nogo udara v sisteme “boek—shtanga—sreda” primenitl’no k nekotorym mashinam udarnogo deistviya. Nauchnyi otchet (Longitudinal Impact Transmission in the “Striker—Rod—Medium” System as Applied to Some Percussion Machines. Scientific Report), Novosibirsk: IGD SO AN SSSR, 1976.

A. A. Repin, S. E. Alekseev, A. I. Popelyukh, and A. M. Teplykha

Based on the results of the industrial testing of downhole hammers with underreamers and on the analysis of the influence exerted by nonmetallic inclusions in steel on the steel fatigue endurance under the impact load, it has been shown that the stringer-type nonmetallics greatly aggravate the steel endurance both under compression and bending, although have no effect on the steel hardness and strength indexes.

Downhole hammer, drill bit, borehole, nonmetallic inclusions, endurance, reliability

1. Sokolinskii, V.B., Mashiny udarnogo razrusheniya (Osnovy kompleksnogo proektirovaniya) (Impact Fracture Machines. (Integrated Design Baseline), Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1982.
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5. Kyoto Protocol and Energy Saving in Russia. Available at: www.energosovet.ru/stat188.html.
6. Reidar Bjorhovde, “Development and Use of High Performance Steel, J. Constructional Steel Research, 2004, vol. 60.
7. Repin, A.A. and Alekseev, S.E., RF patent no. 94616, publ. in Byull. Izobret., 2010, no. 15.

A. V. Shalimov

The algorithm of loop flows has been modified to calculate emergency air distribution in quasi-stationary approximation, with regard to air inertia in estimation of fast unsteady-state processes. The author mathematically describes changes in thermal-physical characteristics of mine air, including the air compressibility, as well as analyzes thermodynamic influence on the mine air flow. The discussed information material is illustrated with the numerical calculation results for a number of the emergency ventilation regimes.

Air drag, air distribution, thermal drop of ventilation pressure, heat emission factor, equation of state

1. Merenkov, A.P. and Khasilev, V.Ya., Teoriya gidravlicheskikh tsepei (Theory of Hydraulic Circuits), Moscow: Nauka, 1985.
2. Krasnoshtein, A.E., Kazakov, B.P., and Shalimov, A.V., “Modeling Nonstationary Gas Admixture Flow in Excavations under Recirculating Airing,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2006, no. 1, pp. 95—101 [J. Min. Sci., 2006, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 85—90].
3. Voropaev, A.F., Teoriya teploobmena rudnichnogo vozdukha i gornykh porod v glubokikh shakhtakh (Theory of Heat Exchange between Deep Mine Air and Rocks), Moscow: Nedra, 1966.

N. I. Alymenko

The author reviews alternate designs of junction of a ventilating passage and an air shaft, and alternative configurations of a ventilating passage connected to the mine main fan. Based on the aerodynamic parameters of the considered ventilating passages, the author proposes an optimized version of the cross-section and geometry of a ventilating passage, and analyzes energy costs to supply the mine main fan in the discussed variants of the ventilating passage configuration.

Aerodynamic parameters, ventilating passage, main fan, depression, configuration, shaft, air resistance, junction

1. Babak, G.A., Levin, E.M., and Pak, V.V., Elementy shakhtnykh ventilaytornykh ustanovok glavnogo provetrivaniya (Elements of the Main Mine Fans), Moscow: Nedra, 1972.
2. Klebanov, F.S., et al., Vozdukh v shakhte (The Mine Air), Moscow: Nedra, 1995.
3. Medvedev, I.I. and Krasnoshtein, A.E., Aerologiya kaliynykh rudnikov (Potassium Mine Aerology), Sverdlovsk: UrO AN SSSR, 1990.
4. Myasnikov, A.A., Miller, Yu.A., and Komarov, N.E., Ventilyatsionnye sooruzheniya v ugol’nykh shakhtakh (Ventilation Installations in Coal Mines), Moscow: Nerda, 1983.
5. Alymenko, N.I., Minin, V.V., Norin, A.A., et al., Issledovanie kharaktera mestnykh utechek pri rabote glavnykh ventilyatorov kaliynykh rudnikov (Character of Local Air Leaks during Operation of Main Fans in Potassium Mines), Perm, 1990.
6. Industrial Safety and Mineral Reserve Conservation Regulatory Document PB 03–553–03, Uniform Rules for Underground Metal, Nonmetal and Placer Mining Safety, Moscow: Gosgortekhnadzor RF, 2003.
7. Gratsenkov, N.F., Petrosyan, A.E., Frolov, M.A., et al., Rudnichnaya ventilyatsiya. Spravochnik (Mine Ventilation. Book of Reference), vol. 2, Moscow: Nedra, 1988.
8. Idel’chik, I.E., et al., Spravochnik po gidravlicheskim soprotivleniyam (Reference Book on Hydraulic Resistances), Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1975.
9. Rukovodstvo po tipovym kanalam ventilyatorov dlya shakht Kuzbassa (Guidelines for Standard Ventilating Passages for the Kuzbass Mines), Kemerovo: VostNII, 1964.
10. Instruktsiya po raschetu kolichestva (raskhoda) vozdukha, neobkhodimogo dlya provetrivaniya Verkhnekamskikh kaliynykh rudnikov. Perm’—Berezniki—Solikamsk (Manual on Calculation of the Required Air Amount to Ventilate the Upper Kama Potassium Mines. Perm—Berezniki—Solikamsk), Approved by the Potassium and Salt Producers and Exporters Alliance and by the RF State Mining-Technical Supervision, 1999.

T. N. Matveeva

The author substantiates the choice of new selective agents PTTC, HPEDETC, and Hostaflot M-91 to float platiniferous sulfide minerals from rebellious ores. The study agent modes imply the use of PTTC, being a component of modified xanthate and providing 6 – 7 % increase in recovery of copper, nickel, and PGM in flotation of the low-sulfide platiniferous copper-nickel ore from the Fedorovo-Pansky deposit. The substitution of HPEDETC and Hostaflot M-91 for xanthate makes it possible to increase recovery of platinum by 5.7 – 13 %, palladium by 4 – 9 % and 2 – 4 times the noble metal content in the flotation concentrate.

Platiniferous sulfide minerals, flotation, propylenetrithiocarbonate (PTTC), hydroxylpropyl ester of diethyldithiocarbamic acid (HPEDETC), Hostaflot M 91 

1. Laverov, N.P., and Distler, V.V., “Promising Platiniferous Mineral Deposits in Terms of the Strategic Interests of the Russian Federation”, Geol. Rud. Mestorozhd., 2003, vol. 45, no. 4.
2. Grokhovskaya, T.L., Bakaev, G.F., Sholokhnev, V.V. et al., “Platiniferous mineralization in Monchegorsky Stratified Zone, Kola Peninsular, Russia”, Geol. Rud. Mestorozhd., 2003, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 329 352.
3. Beloborodov, V.I., Zakharova, I.B., Mukhina, T.N., Marchevskaya, V.V., and Kulakov, A.N., “Development of the Process to Beneficiate Fedorovotundrovsky Platiniferous Ore, Kola Peninsular”, Obog. Rud, 2007, no. 6.
4. Chanturiya, V.A. and Nedosekina, T. V., “The Scientific Grounds for Development of the New Reagent Mode for Platinum-Containing Mineral Concentration from Copper-Nickel Ores”, Proc. 24th IMPC, Beijing, 24–28 Sept., 2008.
5. Agarvalà, U., and Bhaskara Rao, P., Inorg. Nucl. Chem. Lett., 1967, vol. 3, no. 6.
6. Byr’ko, V.M., Ditiokarbamaty (Dithiocarbamates), Moscow: Nauka, 1984.
7. Shubov, L.Ya., Ivankov, S.I., and Shcheglova, N.K., Flotatsionnye reagent v protsessakh obogashcheniya mineral’nogo syr’ya (Flotation Agents in Mineral Processing), vol. 1, Moscow, Nedra, 1990.
8. Matveeva, T.N., Ivanova, T.A., and Gromova, N.K., “Perspectives to Use Cyclic Alkylene trithiocarbonates in Pt – Cu – Ni ore flotation”, Tzv. Met., 2007, no. 12.
9. Matveeva, T.N., and Gromova, N.K., “Sorption of Mercaptanbenzothiazol and Dithiophosphate on Pt – Cu – Ni Minerals at Flotation Process”, Journal of Mining Science, 2007, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 680–685.
10. Matveeva, T.N., Ivanova, T.A., and Gromova, N.K., “Perspective Application of Dithiocarbamates and S-ethers for Flotation Recovery of Pt- and Au-Keeping Minerals from Complicated Ores,” Proc. 13th BMPC, 2009, Bucharest: Romania, ed. by S. Krausz et al., 2009.

S. A. Kondrat’ev

The author proposes the method for increasing a coarseness of mineral particles extracted by froth flotation under charging surfactants (SAS) into the flotation machine. The author also shows that the soluble SASs increase the coarseness of the extracted mineral graines insignificantly.

Flotation, coarseness of mineral particles, surfactants, breakout forces

1. Shubov, L.Ya., Zapatentovannye flotatsionnye reagenty i ikh primenenie (Patented Flotation Reagents and their Application), Moscow: Nedra, 1973.
2. Melik-Gaikazyan, V.I., Emel’yanova, N.P., and Glazunova, Z.I., “Capillary Mechanism of Hardening the Particle-Bubble Contact at Froth Flotation,” Obogash. Rud, 1976, no. 1.
3. Klassen, V.I., “On the issue of the Current Flotation Theory Crisis,” Izv. Vyssh. Uch. Zaved. Tsvet. Metall., 1980, no. 5.
4. Shafeev, R.Sh. and Tavdishvili, M.V., “Selective Flotation of Fine Slimes,” Izv. Vyssh. Uch. Zaved. Tsvet. Metall., 1980, no. 5.
5. Mateenko, N.V., Contact Angles Determining the Initiation and Futher Equilibrium of a Flotation Complex, in Sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspectivy razvitiya teorii flotatsii (A Current State and Prospects of the Flotation Theory Development), Moscow: Nauka, 1979.
6. Kondrat’ev, S.A. and Izotov, S.A., “Effect of Apolar Reagents and Surfactants on the Stability of a Flotation Complex,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2000, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 108–116 [J. Min. Sci., 2000, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 339–407].
7. Kondrat’ev, S.A., “Reasonable reduction in Hydrophoby of Mineral Surface on Flotation by Carboxylic Acids,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2000, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 90–99 [J. Min. Sci., 2000, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 490–499].
8. Levich, V.G., Fiziko-khimicheskaya gidrodinamika (Physical-Chemical Hydrodynamics), Moscow: Fizmatgis, 1959.
9. Avetisyan, R.A., “New Data for Wave Damping by the Monolayers of Unsoluble Substances,” J. Fiz. Khim., 1964, vol. 8, no. 129.
10. Kitchener, J. F., “Confirmation of the Gibbs Theory of Elasticity of Soap Films,” Nature, 1962, vol. 194.
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G. R. Bochkarev, G. I. Pushkareva, and K. A. Kovalenko

Sorption properties of manganese ores to arsenic compounds in aqueous media are examined on the ore samples extracted from three Siberian deposits. The relation between sorption activity of manganese ores and medium pH, sorbent consumption, manganese content in the ore, and a manganese ore preparation process is established. Sorption properties in combination with earlier found oxidizing properties substantially expand the scope of integrated application of manganese ores.

Manganese ore, thermal modification, sorption capacity, arsenites, arsenates

1. RF Patent 2226511, Byull. Izobret., 2004, no. 10.
2. Pushkareva, G.I. and Skiter, N.A., “Possibility of Manganese Ore Use in Water Treatment,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2002, no. 6 [Journal of Mining Science, 2002, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 618—622].
3. Bochkarev, G.R., Pushkareva, G.I., and Kovalenko, K.A., “Natural Sorbent and Catalyst to Remove Arsenic from Natural and Waste Waters,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2010, no. 2 [Journal of Mining Science, 2010, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 197—202].
4. Nokhrina, O.I. and Rozhikhina, I.D., Margantsevye rudy Rossii i vozmozhnye puti ikh primeneniya (Manganese Ores and the Scope of Their Application in Russia), Novokuznetsk: SibGIU, 2006.

V. I. Rozhdestvina, A. P. Sorokin, V. M. Kuz’minykh, and A. A. Kiseleva

The authors determine the forms of gold transfer under coal combustion by using the experimental data. It is found that the micron-sized and nano-sized gold particles are carried away with flue ash during combustion, and only the insignificant part of the gold, localized at underburnings, remains in the form of the free gold within a combustion chamber. The authors shows that applying the method of fume-steam mixing and its futher condensation provides the maximum volatile forms of gold, being the base for creating the geotechnology of unified production cycle of the efficient stock usage and the environmental safety provision.

Brown coal, ash, fume, nanoparticles, hydrocarbons

1. Seredin, V.V., “Distribution and Formation Conditions of Noble Metal Mineralization in Coal-Bearing Basins,” Geol. Rud. Mestor., 2007, vol. 49, no. 1.
2. Arbuzov, S.I., Maslov, S.G., Rikhvanov, L.P., and Sudyko, A.F., “Forms of Gold Concentration in Siberian Coals,” Geol. Okhr. Nedr, 2003, no. 3.
3. Sorokin, A.P., Kuz’minykh, V.M., and Rozhdestvina, V.M., “Gold in Brown Coals: Conditions of Localization, Forms of Occurrence and Methods of Extraction,” DAN, 2009, vol. 424, no. 2.
4. Rozhdestvina, V.M. and Sorokin, A.P., “Òhå First Finds of Native Palladium, Platinum, Gold and Silver in the Brown Coals of the Yerkovetskoe Deposit (Upper Amur Area),” Tikhook. Geol., 2010, vol. 29, no. 6.
5. Leonov, S.B., Fedotov, K.V., and Senchenko, A.E., “Industrial Extraction of Gold from Ash-and-Slag Dumps of Heat Power Plants,” Gorn. J., 1998, no. 5.
6. Cherepanov, A.A., “Precious Metals in the Ash-Cinder Wastes of Far Eastern Heat-and-Power Stations,” Tikhook. Geol., 2008, vol. 27, no. 2.
7. Varshal, G.M., Velyukhanova, T.K., Koshcheeva, I.Ya., et al., “Concentration of Noble Metals by the Rock Carbonaceous Matter,” Geokhim., 1994, no. 6.
8. Kuz’minykh, V.M. and Chursina, L.A., RU Patent 2245931, Byull. Izobret., 2003, no. 4.
9. Kuz’minykh, V.M., Sorokin, A.P., and Sergienko, V.I., RF Patent 2290450, Byull. Izobret., 2006, no. 36.
10. Kuz’minykh, V.M., Sorokin, A.P., and Chursina, L.A., RF Patent 2398033, Byull. Izobret., 2010, no. 24.
11. Kuz’minykh, V.M., Sorokin, A.P., Podberezny, V.L., and Kurbatov, P.R., RF Patent 93803, Byull. Izobret., 2010, no. 13.
12. Yudovich, Ya.E. and Ketris, M.P., Toksichnye elementy primesi v iskopaemykh uglyakh (Toxic Elements as Mixtures in Coal), Ekaterinburg: UrO RAN, 2005.
13. Vassilev, S.V. and Vassileva, S., “Geochemistry of Coals, Coal Ashes and Combustion Wastes from Coal-Fired Power Stations,” Fuel Process. Technol., 1997, vol. 51.

A. P. Kuz’menko, I. Yu. Rasskazov, N. A. Leonenko, G. G. Kapustina, I. V. Silyutin, J. Li, N. A. Kuz’menko, and I. V. Khrapov

Interpreted data of the phase analysis of the Far East ore bodies made it possible to characterize rebellious behavior of ores under study. The researchers propose an integrated flow sheet composed of gravitational preparation, flotation and metallurgical processing flow sheets for beneficiation of rebellious auric-arsenical ore, and present the beneficiation parameters for ores of moderate sorption capacity.

Rebellious ores, phase analysis, flotation, cyanidation, integrated flow sheet, carbonaceous matter, sorption leaching

1. Chanturia, V.A., “Modern Problems of Mineral Beneficiation in Russia,” Gorny Zh., 2005, no. 12.
2. Galustyan, L.A., “Colloid Gold Extraction from the Production and Sewage Waters at Gold Recovery Plants,” Gorny Zh., 2003, no. 2.
3. Chanturia, V.A. and Bunin, I.Zh., “Non-Traditional High-Energy Processes for Disintegration and Exposure of Finely Dispersed Mineral Complexes,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., 2007, no. 3, pp. 107—128 [Journal of Mining Science, 2007, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 31—330].
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B. A. Bachurin and A. A. Borisov

The article focuses at the gas-geochemistry profiling results at the Upper Kama Potassium Salt Deposit. It has been examined how the mining-caused deformations in the salt strata and abovesalt hydrocarbon strata influence the gas background in the subsurface layers. Efficiency of the gas-geochemistry approach to monitoring the mining-induced genesis processes in the studied geological environment has been proved.

Upper Kama Potassium Salt Deposit, halogen strata, salt strata deformation, free and fixed gases, migration, mining-induced genesis, gas surveying, monitoring

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