JMS, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2008
S. V. Lavrikov, O. A. Mikenina, and A. F. Revuzhenko*
The non-Archimedean space is a multi-scale one. The paper shows that this face is applicable to developing mathematical models of rocks exhibiting a hierarchy of structural levels. A closed model, considering anisotropy and weakening of a rock mass, is constructed. The equations in terms of displacements and the resultant internal force vector are derived. The authors have obtained the numerical solution to the problem on deformation of a rock mass around extended galleries, and showed how the areas of weakening and residual strength evolve. The energy flow lines are plotted.
Non-Archimedean space, rock mass, stresses, strains, energy flow lines
1. M. A. Sadovsky, «On natural lumpiness of rocks,» Dokl. AN SSSR, 247, No. 4 (1979).
2. A. F. Revuzhenko, S. B. Stazhevskii, and E. I. Shemyakin, «On the deformation mechanism of loose material under large-scale shears,» Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., No. 3 (1974).
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10. A. F. Revuzhenko, Non-Archimedean Space as the Basis of the Mathematical Apparatus in Rock Mechanics [in Russian], D. D. Ivlev and N. F. Morozov (Eds.), Fizmatlit, Moscow (2006).
11. A. F. Revuzhenko, Mechanics of Elastic-Plastic Media and the Non-Standard Anaysis [in Russian], NGU, Novosibirsk (2000).
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14. S. V. Lavrikov and A. F. Revuzhenko, «Model of deformation of pillars with consideration of the effects of energy storage and weakening of the materials,» Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., No. 6 (1994).
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17. V. I. Kramarenko and A. F. Revuzhenko, «Energy flows in medium under deformation,» Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., No. 6 (1988).
V. M. Zhigalkin*, V. N. Semenov, O. M. Usol’tseva, P. A. Tsoi,
V. A. Asanov**, A. A. Baryakh**, I. L. Pan’kov**,
V. N. Toksarov**, and A. V. Evseev
The paper reports on the test data on the elastic-plastic deformation of mottled sylvinite and rock salt under trialxial compression conditions. The basic regularities are established for variations of strain and strength parameters of salt rocks depending upon the structure and shape of specimens and the loading rates.
Mechanical tests, physico-mechanical properties, complete strain diagrams
1. A. A. Baryakh, S. A. Konstantinova, and V. A. Asanov, Salt Rock Deformation [in Russian], Gorny Inst., Ekaterinburg (1996).
2. V. M. Zhigalkin, O. M. Usol’tseva, V. N. Semenov, P. A. Tsoi, V. A. Asanov, A. A. Baryakh, I. L. Pan’kov, and V. N. Toksarov, « Deformation of quasi-plastic salt rocks under different conditions of loading. Report I: Deformation of salt rocks under uniaxial compression,» Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., No. 6 (2005).
3. G. D. Ushakov, Apparatus and Processes for Rock Deformation Investigations [in Russian], Nauka, Novosibirsk (1977).
4. A. N. Stavrogin and B. G. Tarasov, Experimental Physics and Mechanics of Rocks [in Russian], Nauka,
St. Petersburg (2001).
A. M. Lin’kov
The paper proposes an efficient method for the joined solution to the problems on fluid flow and hydraulic fracture extension.
Hydraulic fracturing, fluid flow, fracture extension, numerical modeling
1. V. V. Zubkov, V. F. Koshelev, and A. M. Lin’kov, «Numerical modeling of hydraulic fracture initiation and development,» Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., No. 1 (2007).
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13. D. I. Garagash and E. Detournay, «Plane-strain propagation of fluid-driven fracture: small toughness solution,» ASME, J. Appl. Mech., 72 (2005).
14. D. I. Garagash, «Plane-strain propagation of a hydraulic fracture during injection and shut-in: asymptotic of large toughness,» Eng. Fract. Mech., 73 (2005).
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16. A. M. Lin’kov, «Numerical modeling of three-dimensional problems of rock mechanics,» Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., No. 1 (2006).
S. V. Suknev
The paper studies the influence of a gypsum material composition on the characteristic of formation and extension of tensile fractures in the zones of tensile stress concentrations in gypsum samples under compression. The experimental results are compared with the data of on a limiting pressure calculated by the traditional and gradient failure criteria. The parameters of the gradient criterion for the studied materials are determined.
Failure, fracture, hole, stress concentration, scale effect, stress gradient, non-local criteria
1. A. J. Durelli and R. H. Jacobson, «Brittle-material failures as indicators of stress-concentration factors,» Exp. Mech., 2, No. 3 (1962).
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7. A. Seweryn and Z. Mroz, «A non-local stress failure condition for structural elements under multiaxial loading,» Eng. Fract. Mech., 51, No. 6 (1995).
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C. O. Aksoy
Historical development of the rock mass rating (RMR) system, first developed and later reviewed by Bieniawski, and contributed by other researchers, is presented. The advanced version of RMR classification and the scope of its application are specified.
Rock mass, Bieniawski’s classification, score estimation
1. Z. T. Bieniawski, «Engineering classification of jointed rock masses,» Trans. South African Institute Civil Engineering, 15 (1973).
2. N. R. Barton, R. Lien, and I. Lunde, «Engineering classification of rock masses for the design of tunnel supports,» Rock Mechanics, 6, No. 4 (1974).
3. E. Hoek, «Strength of the rock and rock masses,» ISRM News Journal, 2, No. 2 (1995).
4. A. Palmström, «RMi-a rock mass characterization system for rock engineering purposes,» PhD Thesis, Oslo University, Norway (1995).
5. A. Palmström, «On classification systems,» in: Proceedings of Workshop on Reliablity of Classification Systems a Part of the International Conference «GeoEng-2000», Melbourne (2000).
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Africa (1973).
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15. ISRM. The Complete ISRM Suggested Methods for Rock Characterization, Testing and Monitoring:
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16. J. S. Schrier, «The block punch index test,» Bul. Int. Assoc. Eng. Geology, 38 (1988).
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21. S. Sulukcu and R. Ulusay, «Evaluation of the block punch index test with particular reference to the size effect, failure mechanism and its effectiveness in predicting rock strength,» Int. J. Rock Mech. and Min. Sci., 38 (2001).
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38. E. Unal and I. Ozkan, «Determination of classification parameters for clay-bearing and stratified rock mass,» in: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, West Virginia University, Morgantown (1990).
39. E. Unal, Modified Rock Mass Classification: M-RМR system, Milestone in Rock Engineering, The Bieniawski Jubilee Collection, Balkema, Rotterdam (1996).
40. R. N. Singh and D. R. Gahrooee, «Application of rock mass weakening coefficient for stability assessment of slopes in heavily jointed rock mass,» Int. J. of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Environment, No. 3 (1989).
41. R. Ulusay, I. Ozkan, and E. Unal, «Characterization of weak, stratified and clay-bearing rock masses for engineering applications,» in: Proceedings of the Fractured and Jointed Rock Masses Conference,
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43. E. Unal, I. Ozkan, and R. Ulusay, «Characterization of weak rock, stratified and clay-bearing rock masses,» in: ISRM Symposium:EUROCK’92 Rock Characterization, Chester, UK, J. A. Hudson (Ed.), British Geotechnical Society, London (1992).
Yu. P. Stefanov
The author has simulated behavior of geomaterials based on the modified models of Drucker — Prager — Nikolaevski and Rudnicki. It is shown how fractures extend under stresses applied on a section of a specimen surface. The characteristic patterns are obtained for deformation localization in low porosity and high porosity sandstone under biaxial compression, and the stress-to-strain curves are plotted.
Plasticity, failure, dilatancy, compaction, fractures, deformation, modeling
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3. V. N. Nikolaevski, Geomechanics and Fluid Dynamics [in Russian], Nedra, Moscow (1996).
4. J. F. Labuz, S.-T. Dai, and E. Papamichos, «Plane-strain compression of rock-like materials,» Int. J. of Rock Mech. and Min. Sci. & Geomech., Abstr., 33, No. 6 (1996).
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A. G. Bagdasar’yan, B. G. Lukishov,
V. N. Rodionov*, and A. S. Fedyanin**
In terms of the Muruntau open pit, the paper addresses the possibility of formation of a rupture structure in host rock, based on the analysis of its surface manifestations.
Rocks, defects, blocks structure, block sizes, strain rate, fracture
1. V. N. Rodionov, «Dissipative structures in rock mechanics,» Usp. Mekh., 4, No. 2 (1979).
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3. V. N. Rodionov, A. G. Bagdasar’yan, and V. M. Kol’tsov, «Correlations between the granular compositions of an exploded rock mass and other manifestations of the rock mass structure,» Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., No. 5 (1982).
4. V. N. Rodionov and I. A. Sizov, «Model of a solid with the dissipative structure for rock mechanics,» Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., No. 6 (1988).
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A. M. Freidin, S. A. Neverov, A. A. Neverov, and P. A. Filippov
The paper expounds results gained in mathematical modeling of stress state of a rock mass under mining by sublevel caving with areal-frontal and frontal ore drawing schemes. Stability of underground excavations in the course of applying the compared methods is evaluated in terms of the Sheregesh deposit. The authors recommend on supporting the openings at the ore drawing-off level.
Technology, stress state, modeling, stability
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M. Matilde Costa e Silva and P. Falcão Neves
For marble underground excavation it is important to develop a collection of procedures, rules and models in order to collect information to build a database, making it usable and available to all users so that they can make decisions. The information must be based on technical and economic criteria, during the lifetime of the excavation and after the close down of the mining activities. The importance of geotechnical characterization in the economical evaluation of underground mining of dimension stone is so emphasized. A sensitivity analysis of the economic indicators with the variation of the geotechnical and ornamental parameters is performed. The results of an economic feasibility study of an underground exploitation of marble at Pardais, Vila Vi?osa, are presented.
Geotechnics, economical feasibility, marble, quarry, management procedures
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V. A. Bocharov, L. S. Khachatryan*, V. A. Ignatkina, and
Zh. Baatarkhuu**
Test data on the selective reagent modes at bulk flotation cycle and modified carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) at a selection cycle for the bulk copper-molybdenum concentrate. The selected reagent mode at a bulk flotation cycle with industrial kerosene and Beraflot as collectors and OPSB as a frother made it possible to recover 87 % of copper and 82 % of molybdenum into a rough bulk concentrate. Tests with CMC application at the selection cycle revealed a potential opportunity to reduce 1.5 — 2.0 times the summary sodium sulfide consumption, to cut down running costs of pulp and depressant heating, and to improve molybdenum recovery with no negative effect on other parameters of the bulk concentrate selection.
Flotation, sulfide concentrate, sulfide minerals, collectors
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T. N. Gzogyan and S. L. Gubin*
The paper describes the laboratory studies aimed at comprehensive analysis and establishment of the optimal parameters for preparation of a pulp for reverse cation flotation when producing a low-silica iron ore concentrate. The kinetics of the process is investigated with application of a collecting agent and depressing agents for iron minerals.
Cation flotation, parameters, collecting agent, flotation kinetics, separation selectivity, flotation velocity
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